Seems pretty cool, ordered one lets see how it turns out
To ship anywhere in Australia per unit: $9.00
Original price was $179 so thats like ~86% off
Seems pretty cool, ordered one lets see how it turns out
To ship anywhere in Australia per unit: $9.00
Original price was $179 so thats like ~86% off
Don't think it's Qi
proprietary tech
they were pioneers on this market then the phone manufacturers themselves took it over with Qi
newer phones don't need extra casing now (not sure on iphone 5)
some (not very good) reviews
Didn't think so. Thanks for confirming, guys.
pretty crappy as you have to use their crappy iphone case
which newer phone dont need the case?
um, the one here isn't Qi, so won't work with those phones without a case. Unless you're recommending a system (mat and phone) entirely separate to this deal.
So this won't work with a Nexus 4?
proprietary tech, nothing to do with Qi
if you insist on it then try to search for a powermat case for the N4
Has been this price in the factory scoop section of JBhifi from at least Feb 2013.
Search 'Powermat' will reveal this deal being published a number of times already at this price. So although the price is good, it is not really a deal.
is there a concern of radiation with these things?
only if you sit your Orchidaceae on them
wireless mean there is no cable from the power point to the powermat?
not worth it…
"After you've bought the mat you've then got to buy the jackets - a further £34.99 ($36) in the UK "
The end result is that you've paid out over a £100 ($110) just so you can forget about having to plug in a wire.