the Vic Government has lowered the criteria for a $30 rebate on water saving products in the garden from $100 to $50.
pretty good deal if u consider that if u spend $50 in Bunnings or wherever on water nozzles or water timers etc u get $30 back.
here is the text from the website as well as a direct link:
*Special offer for purchases made between 11 March and 31 May
A basket of goods $30 when you spend $50
Includes products such as mulch (includes pebbles or other inorganic materials which are used as mulch), flow control valves, wetting/moisture agent, compost or mulch bin, soil moisture & rain sensors, garden tap timers, drip watering system or weep hoses, trigger nozzles, temporary greywater diverters, rainwater diverters, waterless car cleaning products, shower timers and toilet flush interrupter devices. One special basket offer rebate is available per eligible customer.
Note: This special basket of goods offer is available for purchases made from 11 March to 31 May 2009. Claims must be made by 30 June 2009, using the claim form (PDF~100kb). This is in addition to the offer of one $30 rebate for $100 of eligible water saving goods per customer per calendar year.
Effectively up to 60% off… makes you wonder why the other states (cough SA cough) don't do something similar :(