Qantas Frequent Flyer Disappointment - Upgrades

Recently booked an international flight from Sydney to Manila return.

I used an online booking agency and got a really good deal. My ticket class was O class.

Looking at the website - I knew that O class was not an eligible ticket for upgrades and when I went on the Qantas website and viewed my booking - sure enough the Upgrade option went to a page that said "Your booking is not eligible".

Last night (18/06/13) I hop on the Qantas website because I had an unrelated domestic flight that I wanted to have a look at. While logged in - I randomly decide to click the Upgrade on my Manila flight again.

"Upgrade to business for 80000 FF points" - "Request Upgrade" button becomes available.

I do a double take - log out - log in again and the button is still there. I thought there must be some kind of mistake. I log in with my partner's QFF login (also on the same booking and same flight) and find that she also can do an upgrade for 80000 QFF points.

I think - wow this is quite nice - maybe it just took time for our booking to register? Maybe there's a glitch?

I didn't know what to make of it - and the thought of upgrading wasn't even on my mind until the option came up.

So now - I'm thinking, "Great!" maybe I will actually do an upgrade. I sleep on it and figure I will decide tomorrow.

The next evening, after talking it over with my partner, I decide to hop on the website to book the upgrades.

Log in -> My Bookings -> Upgrade

"This booking is not eligible for upgrades"

Now I guess there may well have been some glitch and I was probably just lucky to even have the option pop up in the first place and maybe I should just take it as it is and be done with it.

I ring Qantas anyway.

25 minutes on hold - I get an operator.

I explain the situation to the operator who tells me that I may well have been allowed to upgrade by the system but that these things are random and if you get it you get it and if you don't you don't.

I was a bit cheesed by this - but I asked "So how can I know when the deal is on and how long it is on for in the future?"

The reply was "There's no way to know."

Not happy with the answer - I ask to speak to a supervisor. The girl tries to argue with me over whether I should speak to a supervisor or not, but with some persistence, eventually connects me.

The supervisor was very helpful and tells me a different story. She says that there was a brief sent out to selected QFF members regarding a particular special that was created specifically for people travelling internationally in classes that weren't normally eligible. The deal was - upgrades were available for international flyers even if they were in O class, however only for 24 hours.

I ask how I can be informed of such deals in the future - and she says that the deals should have been emailed to me. I check my email and find a bunch of QFF emails but none mentioning the offer she described.

I check my spam settings and double check all the emails and nothing.

I ask if there is any way I can still take the offer that was on and she says the system can't put it through anymore.

I felt a little hard done by - not ever being informed about a promotion, having an offer on the table taken right off it the next day!

If I knew there was a time limit I would have made my decision accordingly.

Either way it's going to be an awesome holiday =)

Anyone else experienced any QFF issues? Wouldn't mind any other tips from expert flyers out there =)

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  • I booked a round-the-world leaving in August, and was hoping to use some of my points to upgrade us on the Qantas leg, which is mel-syd then syd-tokyo.

    I have plenty of points to upgrade to business class, but according the qantas website we can only upgrade mel-syd (why would I bother for a 50 minute flight?) and not sydney-tokyo :(

    Dont count of Qantas or any other FF program wanting you to use the points in any meaningful way, every few years they revalue and degrade the "worth" of points such that it's barely worth the effort.

    We travel quite frequently and for the last 7-8 years we've actively been avoiding Qantas in preference for other airlines with better service and support, not that they care anyway.

  • I heard a discussion about this on the radio a day or 2 ago. The ability to upgrade from all fare types was a very short-term initiative. I understood that it was not promoted at all, other than to certain travel agencies who deal exclusively with Qantas corporate clients.

    Typical of Qantas, "all animals are equal but some are more equal than others".

    • So it wasn't promoted…

      People then stumble upon it and when it's not available anymore they just get let down! Awesome LoL

  • Qantas apparently do this once/twice a year. Someone kindly posted it on the Australian Frequent Flyer site, It was a 48hr limited offer. Finishing at midnight.
    I managed to get a request in on an 'O' class ticket QF19 to Manilla, later in the year.
    However I have my doubts it will happen as I only have the base level status with QF, and any requests from pax with higher status, get upgraded first.
    I would have used our points for business class reward tickets to start with, but I have never seen them offered on this flight.
    If you are lucky to get an upgrade you are only told 5hrs out, if that.

    So, I think the lesson is not to hesitate if the system opens up.

    • Thanks! Probably the best explanation so far. You would think that Qantas employees could explain it the same way.

  • So let me get this right…you saw the option to upgrade on the qf internet in an o class fare that wasn't normally available and you log out and then logged back in to see the option still available and you STILL didn't go ahead with the upgrade??? Mate, that's your fault for not taking action right there and then. You can't blame Qantas. You mentioned the supervisor said that you should have been emailed the promotion. If you were not emailed with the promotion then you probably didn't qualify in the first place.

    • -1

      Well when is the last time you had a Frequent Flyer option available for a limited time only? Fare upgrades have always been a set number of points and there was never a time limit imposed on when you can request them. Everyone will agree. Surely I can spend an extra day to think about it?

      It's not like a special price advertised at a store where people are used to the deal running out etc.

      As for the email and qualifying -

      1 - If I didn't qualify then why was I allowed to do it on their website? Obviously I qualified as explained by poster above because they had a promotion.

      2 - If you take a look at above poster's replies you'll see that the promotion was in fact not wholly advertised to all who qualified.

      All I'm saying is - I wasn't informed about it - noticed I had the option and the very next day the option was taken away.

      If I l knew I had a limited amount of time I would have made my decision accordingly.

      I don't think it's entirely fair to say - if you see an option that never normally expires jump on it otherwise tough luck!

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