Fully imported beer specials.
Stella $34.99
Peroni $34.99
Becks $34.99
plus others at varying prices
Edgemill Cellar Door is located in Laverton, Vic. Address is on the pdf.
This could be used as a price match at Dan Murphys
(however check if D.M's imported Stella is from Belgium and not UK).
I can confirm these are brewed in Belgium (Stella) and Italy (Peroni) as i purchased 3 slabs from these guys about a month ago. Guessing the Becks is from Germany as well.
You guys can debate as to how much of a bargain they are.
One small warning on the Peroni I purchased a month ago had a best before of 07/13
Are you sure d.m. stella import is from the uk, mine never has been? http://danmurphys.com.au/product/DM_915130/stella-artois-lag… also says its from Belgium? Still a great price and alot cheaper than dan's