Guys help!!!! I recharged my PD80 2 days ago. 5 minutes ago I tried to turn on the tablet but kept getting stuck at the "quad core" logo. I have tried turning off/on msny times with no luck. I tries recharging but its not charging. Anyone have the same problem?
I am so stressed out right now. What should I do? ;(
PD80-HD tablet can't be turned on, anyone have same problem?

lusicul on 17/06/2013 - 22:09
Thank you so much!!! I left it overnight and this morning was able to recharge. It's working again, yay. Phew…so relieved.
This happened to me once. I just switched it off and forgot about it. The next day when i tried to boot it again and it worked. Perhaps try to leave it completely off for a night and see if you can boot it tomorrow.
Or just leave it stuck on the quad core boot screen until the battery is flat then try to recharge…