Coca Cola 24x 375ml Cans $12.99 at Ritchies Supa IGA VIC ($0.54 per can - save $13.00). Sale starts Monday.
Update: NSW has them on sale at $13.99 (limit 4 per customer).
Coca Cola 24x 375ml Cans $12.99 at Ritchies Supa IGA VIC ($0.54 per can - save $13.00). Sale starts Monday.
Update: NSW has them on sale at $13.99 (limit 4 per customer).
at.. ?
Can't camp overnight to be first in the queue in the morning as I have no idea where I should be waiting at ! Good price though !
Sorry guys. Title updated. Saw this deal on channel 9 tonight during 60 Minutes.
Starting to like IGA more and more
I am holding a new Supa IGA catalouge in my hand and the only deal i can see about Coca-Cola deal is 30x375ml for $18.99 (save $12.50) starts tomorrow.
It may only be a TV special? Maybe they decided on the special after the catalogue was printed? Who knows - but I do know what I saw is exactly what I've posted. Cheers.
Thanks for sharing OP and I have never in doubt of you ever.
Have a good evening.
What a nice person. You've made my weekend finish on a great note. Thanks :)
Useless comment edit so as not to look stupid .. then end up saying I was stupid.. hrm.
Is this all IGA's?
I will give this a +ve when I see the catalogue or pick up my 10 cartons tomorrow..
All varieties?
Would help if you at least tell us which state/city are you in. Prices for coke cartons are never the same nation wide. SA & NT have to pay recycling levy, which makes me think this price won't be applicable in SA.
I'm in Vic. As I stated earlier, saw this advertised on Channel 9 around 7:50pm. It was the lead item in a 30 second Super IGA / Ritchies commercial. Cheers.
how about SA?
SA - nice place, but wouldn't want to live there. :)
We wouldn't want you living here either! :P
SA should always be more because of the container deposit. 24 @ 10¢ each means they should be ~$2 more per carton.
Rite price have diet coke 20 for $8 330ml, 30c a can after rebate.
= Wait Awhile
OK all. Just confirmed. This special is ONLY available at Ritchies Supa IGA stores (as opposed to IGA). I didn't even know there was a difference! It 100% applies to all Victorian stores, but not sure about NSW.
I just went to two of the Sydney CBD stores. and they had them for normal price. I guess the offer is not valid in NSW.
Considering it says Ritchies Supa IGA only, is it any surprise that its not available at the Syd CBD stores.
Its VIC only I think, so hardly worth a neg…
Went to all the trouble of calling the stores at Bateau Bay & Crows Nest for you, and they both have them on special for $13.99 (limit 4 per customer) which is $1.00 more than Vic stores. So maybe you didn't really go to the stores?
I went to IGA Darlinghurst (23 oxford st) and Thaikee on Quay Street and they were selling them for $27 each. I event took the boxes to the cashier (thought maybe the price tag was wrong.)but was still $27. But now I know its because they were IGA and not IGA reatchi. I didnt know there was a difference.
On the way back Macdonalds promotion guys were handing out Free NEW mcSpicy burger coupons in Sydney CBD and I got 6 of them .so I had a good day anyway.
Thanks for your follow up.
The saving of $1 a case over the usual $15 low at Woolworths/Coles is not worth the effort for me. At least Officeworks delivered :)
Thanks for the effort TA. It's 40% more expensive than Preppie at its low, but I bought a case of Zero to have some variety now and then.
Sale finished yesterday according to the store I called up. 3172
I've just had a look at the new catalogue and seems they now have 30 packs for 18.99
mrkyle, actually, sale started today. Call them again.
joelab, this 24x is not a catalogue promotion.
Went to IGA Brookside (QLD) this morning and got 30x cans for $10 as they are clearing stock at 50% off. Not much of anything left there now though.
My local IGA (Parkinson QLD) had 30 cans for $19.99.
They had 24 can cartons of Pepsi, Solo, Schweppes Lemonade and Sunkist for $10 each though so ended up getting those instead.