Looking for the cheapest local retailer price E.G - JB Hifi, DSE, EB Games etc.
$89 @ JB is a fair bit, and i'll only pay it if I really have to
Looking for the cheapest local retailer price E.G - JB Hifi, DSE, EB Games etc.
$89 @ JB is a fair bit, and i'll only pay it if I really have to
My backlog is massive, gonna wait for this one to come on PS Plus.
Anybody know the cheapest price internationally? OzGameShop jacked its price up to $65.
If you are in sydney, EB games in world square is having 20% in store for new store opening until Tues..
But 20% puts them down to less than BigW.
Thought BigW was $78? 80% of $98 is still $78.40.
You're correct, brain fart.
I thought it put it a few cents under $78.
Well, you may want to get more than just one game to make it worth. On the other hand, could just trade in some old crap games if no longer need.
I'm going to post this, but MASSIVE CAVEAT that this is highly likely a scam.
this dude is selling UK copies of The Last of Us for $42, free shipping.
seller has 0 rating and account was created on the 5th of June.
If you're willing to gamble it and / or have confidence in PP's buyer protection then feel free to give it a whirl. I'm staying out of it.
haha, guess it was a scam after all, item removed.
Had about 30 sales when I originally saw it.
lovely how will get negged for putting in disclosures, cautions and relevant important info. What rules are these people going by ?
It's known as the "rule of neg sheep" - it usually just takes one ass to throw a neg and then sure enough the sheep come trundling along.
videoezy is the cheapest ive seen (was $51 for me when i bought it and now its $55). But be prepared to wait a few weeks for it to actually arrive since the last time i bought a new release game, it was on backorder for about 1 and a half weeks before they had new stock.
you should buy from ozgameshop, it might be more expensive than videoezy but free shipping and quick delivery. I just got my Joel Edition today! it's been only 6 days after the dispatch date.
Video Ezy - $59.46 =$2.00(P&H)
Mighty Ape - $64.99 +$4.90(P&H)
OZ Game Shop - $68.99 +??(P&H)
eBay - $70.71 +$FREE(P&H)
JB HI-FI - $74 +$0.99(P&H)
EB Games - $77 +$2.50(P&H)
BIG W - $88 +$4.00(P&H)
Harvey Norman - $88 +$5.96(P&H)
Dick Smith - $99.98 +$4.95(P&H)
I bought it for $69 today in store at Harvey Norman. Seems to be the cheapest store price i've found at this time.
Ozgameshop have it for $65.99 (take another $5 off with the code '5OFF30')
Big W has it priced at $78