This was posted 11 years 8 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Battlefield 3 (PC) for $5, Premium DLC for for $15. NA Only, Workaround in Description


Before opening link simply disable javascript in your browser settings (you can also use a browser extension like noscript) and you should be able to checkout without a problem (will need to use a US/Canadian address for billing address though (Google)).

If you are wondering if its worth it since BF4 comes out in 4 months, yes it is, especially base BF3 for only $5, also premium will allow you to play the BF4 Beta when it opens sometime at the end of September.

BF3 Base Edition [$5]

BF3 Close quarters is free this week (Included in premium editions) simply redeem code[BF3E3] through Origin.

BF3 Premium Edition [$19.99] (Includes Base and all 4 DLC Packs)…

Premium addon[$15] (For those who already own BF3)…

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Just got the premium pack for $20, thanks OP

  • Good luck trying to grind through all the gun unlocks at this time!
    By the time you complete it people 'may' have already switched to bf4 or quit :/

    • +3

      You have 4 months until BF4 is released…
      If you get a s*itbucket, I'm sure you'll be fine :)

  • Just got the premium addon, thanks :)

  • If (like me) you're only interested in single player games, $5 for good value for the BF3 Base Edition. A pretty awesome - but shortish - single player campaign, great graphics and sound, voice acting is pretty good too.

    Oh, and try to find a mate to give you a copy of the install files if you don't fancy waiting 2-3 days for the download! Origin doesn't have a back-up system like steam but there are ways to share the install files so you don't have to download them.

  • +1

    What's it like trying to get a server with the base game? I figure most people still playing it would have the expansions/premium edition.

    • There are still servers with just the base game on. Several 32 players are full and I've seen 1 full 64 player server.

    • +1

      Although I just bought it for PC, if it's anything like the PS3, base servers are still pretty popular.

      I bought premium though since I didn't have that on PS3 other than the Back to Karkand DLC, and I think it's worth it at this price.

    • it should still be pretty good. You can also get close quarters for free which has extra maps and maybe more people playing on them

  • Thanks OP, we can buy Battlefield 4 with us price

    • +1


      • After I disabled Javascript, it shows me the US price for Battlefield 4 which is 59.99 for standard and 69.99 for deluxe

        • Thanks buddy! :)

        • I can't do it D:
          Pre-order button's missing and so I can't add it to cart :(
          Edit: Got it!

          My version of instructions for pre-order of BF4 Premium for $72.60 USD
          Easy way via Firefox:
          1) Open up a private-browsing window (clears login data)
          2) Disable Javascript via "(Options > Content > JavaScript unchecked"
          3) Click on this…
          4) As SOON as you see the pre-order button on the right come up, press ESC on your keyboard [Stops loading], or it will/may turn into an inactive orange oval which won't click!
          5) Click that and go ahead with pre-order :)
          6) Use to generate a fake address in the US
          7) Use Paypal to pay - it is safe to re-enable javascript at this point (when paypal wants you to)
          It may not work with paying directly with credit card because the billing address is usually used to check the credit card's owner.

        • Also, to avoid the $2.73 Sales tax, choose get a fake addy in Oregon

          I paid the Sales tax (total $75.83), still.. a better saving than the $90AUD I'd have to pay to EA Australia!

    • Isn't it cheaper via Video Ezy, which IIRC has the BF4 premium service when it comes out?

  • -5

    I wish pc gamers could write pc in the title to save me clicking and reading into websites

    • +1

      Thanks for fixing title op. And u neggers can bite me.

  • +1

    i dont see the base one for $5 unless i m blind:P

    • +1

      Disable java and it should work.

    • Disable Java before clicking any of the links otherwise it will redirect it to the AU site.

  • I already have a Russian edition on my origin account. Can I buy this and own both at the same time? My Russian copy don't work in windows 8 for some reason.

    • Yes, u can. I got one RU Battlefield 3 and one EU Battlefield 3 in my account.

  • +1

    Thanks OP, downloading now. It even gave me BF3 close quarters for free Code BF3E3.

    Edit: wow downloads at 100kb/s!? Is it possible to download the ISO install it and get origin to somehow recognize it?

    • +1

      you can, my brother downloaded the code, but I copied all my game files from:
      C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Battlefield 3

      onto the same location on his computer. Running origin it will recognise these and only download like 60MB extra missing pieces (probably account related) and its good to go. If you can source the files from somewhere, then yes it will make it considerably faster. He had all 4 expansion packs and the game installed in under 15 minutes

  • +1

    Props to the OP for this, brother just got an account so we can play together. :)

  • Is anyone else getting a message saying 'The checkout process is not currently available. Please try again later.'?

    • nope sorry, how are you trying to pay?

      Also double check the address you are using, needs to be a Canadian or US

    • Pay with paypal.

  • keep running into Payment Authorization Failed. anyone else getting this?

    • nope sorry, how are you trying to pay?

      Also double check the address you are using, needs to be a Canadian or US

      • i'm trying to pay via visa. tried both canadian and us addresses. nothing seems to work. extremely frustrating

  • Same thing with me, Paypal and Credit card are both giving me the same issue.

    • Same. Maybe they're on to us.

  • Unfortunately that $5 is for US and Canada.

    • Instruction in the OP's post.

      But now there's problem with authorising payment. Anyone managed to successfully checkout recently?

      • EDIT: You can ignore my problem below. I clicked the origin button and then Reload my games and the expansion pack come up. So it's all defiantly still working, at least at the time I wrote this message.

        I managed to check out about 10 minutes ago but I'm having this other problem.

        I purchased Battlefield for $5 in Australian store when it was for sale and just bought the premium expansion and now the expansion isn't showing up in my origin software to download.

        But maybe it's because I paused Close Quaters because I'm reaching my internet's limit.

  • Using "BF3E3", I get: this has already been used.

    • The code worked for me.

      Did you apply this code in Origin (EA's content delivery software) after purchasing?

  • I just bought the game no problems following the above instructions. No problems entering US address and using Mastercard. Downloading at 1MB/s. 5hrs to go :\

    • Jealous at your 1MB/s, I've got 74.6KB/s. Have been downloading for 24 hours so far, only another estimated 56 hours remaining…

  • What browser is everyone using?

    • Firefox for me, Javascript is under Options/Settings -> Content (and just uncheck the box)

      • +1

        Used Chrome and disabled Javascript

        • Didn't work my Firefox, but worked with Chrome. Thanks!

    • +1

      firefox + noscript

      was automatic after installing the add on

  • +2

    Success with Firefox default java disabled (Options > Content > JavaScript unchecked. Just put you name and last name and just leave your home address alone and just select United States as your country then proceed to pay by paypal. No problems with AustPost LoadandGo card.

  • Would someone who has managed to do it be able to do one for me aswell? I've tried to do it on several occasions today with various browsers and still get the same problem I mentioned before.

    Edit: Disregard, completely slipped my mind while I posted this that you need to pay…Guess it's bed time.


    I just preordered BF4 for $75.74 AUD using ozgeek's instructions. The game is now appearing in my Origin game list.

    ozgeek on 14/06/2013 - 21:44
    Success with Firefox default java disabled (Options > Content > JavaScript unchecked. Just put you name and last name and just leave your home address alone and just select United States as your country then proceed to pay by paypal. No problems with AustPost LoadandGo card.

  • When buying the Premium DLC for $15 it didn't want to work in firefox using the tips listed above but worked fine in chrome

    Cheers :D

    edit: worked fine using my American Express CBA Gold Card

  • Thanks OP, just got it for a friend using debit card worked awesome :D

  • Used a U.S. address generator. Paid using my VISA prepaid debit card.

    The transaction went smoothly.

  • Worked fine. Turned off Java in Chrome. Used my Comgateway US address (free), but you could use anything.
    Paid with PayPal.
    Looks like a big download.
    Now I just need a computer that will play it… :(

  • You saved me 2 dollars and 20 cents by disabling javascript. Thanks OP. Just put down a bestbuy in new york city as my mailing address lel.

  • Does this still work? I've tried everything and I still can't manage to get it working. I keep getting payment authorization failed.

  • Yup, doesn't work anymore the numerous times I have tried.

    BTW Battlefield 3 is free for PSN+ members next month.

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