Yes… It's root beer! and it's only 6.99 for a 12 pack. No longer having to pay $12 for the 12 pack at the reject shop!
Root Beer! Aldi 19/06 $6.99/ 12 Pack!

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It's like drinking dencorub
mmmm… Dencorubâ„¢
worth a try….will i die from drinking this becoz it's so cheap?
You're getting confused between root beer, and methylated spirits.
One will almost certainly kill you. The other, tastes awful.
Cool story.
The deal just doesn't capture my imagination, that's all.
I won't be lying awake at night thinking "damn, I missed out on the root beer deal".
I won't be rushing down to officeworks attempting a price match.
Understandable. But there are many deals that don't float my boat, but I just move on and don't worry about spending time to make a comment :-P
So… if i presented your favorite product for almost half price would you be excited? I know i won't be sleeping tonight. Only 6 days till the cancer inducing sodium benzoate laced goodness will hit my stomach! Bring it on!
Well you found the time to type that response, didn't you? ha ha. : )
fair enough. I would be excited : )
Would a root beer float float your boat?
if you give it to the 'right' girl any kind of beer can be root beer…
I have to wait 6 days for this =( I'm craving some root beer now…
Kids panadol syrup and lemonade will hold of the cravings till the sale. Good luck!
haha i remember the time i was in Dennys and ordered a root beer thinking it was Ginger Beer (ginger is a root right?). Boy did i get a shock
Does root beer taste like sarsaparilla? Or does it actually taste beerish?
Not sure about this one, but in the US, their Root Beer tastes like sarsaparilla.
American root beer tastes like a cross between Sars and creaming soda (brown)
i think in most cases, root beer tastes like sarsparilla, tastes like dr pepper, and ALMOST cherry coke. the best, though, are Dr. Pepper (from the US) and root beer (A&W UNLIMITTEEEDDDDDD in the US)
Never had it.. But Good To try new things..!!!
Sad that it is Not from the USA.. To see the real Thing..!!!Sounds interesting, gonna buy some and try em out.
I was also interested in this
I'll try anything once - web page says delicious with peanut butter …hhmmmm
I gather this is a locally made product, not imported. 375ml cans gives that away.
I'm guessing its made by TruBlu Beverages Australia. ( )
Yes this stuff is not from the US, but i drink the AW brand from the US usually and switching to this will shrink my carbon footprint while also helping to grow the Australian economy and my ass!
Being an unusual "POP" drinker from way back… if you want another cheap weird drink try Chinotto. You can get it in 1.25L in Coles and Woolworths and the taste is awesome…..but weird at the same time. It's only around $2 as well.
Italian style cola. Very refreshing with a nice bitter twist.
Weirdest sounding one I tried was Dandelion & Burdock flavour when I was in the UK. Tasted a lot like Sars too.
Chinotto is best used at parties when getting someone a drink, it looks like coke, smells a bit like coke but has a really bad bitter orange rind aftertaste.
Be prepared to have some projectile chinotto coming your way.
I like this deal because I drink beer then hit people called Root.
Don Bradman neither drank beer nor wasted his time on such things as you young people call 'roots.'
That's why the Invincibles never lost a test**may have lost a test.
Heh, did you make that account just to make this joke?
Yes, but for 3 lousy +s I'm regretting that decision.
nah, still worth it
There you go one more + :P
Didnt realise there was a joke till esskitteh replied. Didnt notice your name/handle :P
Is root beer the same as ginger beer?
Nothing like it imo.
Root Beer: sassafras, vanilla, and honey.thought it was a caramel flavour? as described by ingredients on cans? but hey not complaining, can definitely taste the vanilla
I was a fan of Henry Weinhard's Root Beer in the US.
Not sure this Aldi brand is going to come anywhere close to that.Those 5th Avenue bars are awesome too.
We got some when CoTD had boxes of them on sale cheap about 2 years ago.
Like beanut butter mixed with peanut brittle and coated in chocolate.
I'm sure thats where half my stomach came from, we bought 5 boxes of 36 each…..
My two favourite passtimes is one product name?!?!
Yeah alright, I'll give it a go. If it's shait, it'll stay in the fridge for guests to try. Win ;).
Our local IGA stocks cans of 'Mug' brand root beer (the very same type Wendy the prostitute can be seen drinking in Breaking Bad) but haven't tried this one yet.
I love a good root… beer.
Anyone else here tried Irn Bru yet?
The only softdrink to outsell Coca Cola in any domestic market.
In Irn Bru's case, it's Scotland.Yeah it's a post-mix option at Maccas in Scotland, love it
Och aye. Lived in Glasgow for a year, would've been a crime to not try it. Tastes like creaming soda to me.
Does this have high fructose corn syrup like the US crap in the rejects shop or sugar?
Taste nothing like A&W's that i grew up with. Very soft compare to it - like drinking carbonated water.
It is made in AU by Tru Blu Bevereges, and nowhere under Ingredients say it has corn fructose. It has sugar (d'oh) and sweetener.
Oh dear lord it's horrible. Nothing like root beer, if you're an A&W etc fan, don't buy this.
Tru Blu make the el cheapo soft drinks you buy in the stores. They add sweetener to bring the costs down in all their drinks so it has the same calorific content as normal soft drinks but has a horrible artificial sweetener aftertaste.
This is pleasing news!