I want to gift a family member a nice wall clock for their new apartment and I am not sure where to look. Happy to spend around $100. Please suggest.
I want to gift a family member a nice wall clock for their new apartment and I am not sure where to look. Happy to spend around $100. Please suggest.
Didn't even know that there are superstitions about clocks as gifts. Thanks for the info but no, the family is not chinese.
Search for "clock gift Chinese culture".
not to be rude but id be scared to buy a chinese friend any gifts from now on.
going by the list i seen.
many of those apply to Japanese culture.
Money is safe. :)
Struggled with this myself. Ended up getting one from a random furniture store. Go to a homeware supacentre like thing and just shop around.
Costco Auburn have them, They have quite a lot for you to choose from classic to modern
we also have wall clock on sale, but cheaper, only cost $10~$30.
Maybe too cheaper for you as a gift for the new department?
I hope your family is not Chinese or you would know about the superstition about clocks as gifts?