Dicks Daily Deal
Great for all those Kindle eBooks that you've accumilated
Sells on Amazon around $199 - Cheaper than Amazon when taking into account Shipping + Exchange rate.
Expires tomorrow at 5pm
Kindle Paperwhite Black 3G+Wi-Fi $199 @ DSE + FREE Shipping (Save $30)

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bc its a daily deal
New models coming out
yep, the 4G ones…
Is this a good deal?
A pity these no longer allows you the browse on 3g. The old 3g kindle with keyboard has gotten me out of some sticky situations in foreign countries.
what is 3g for then? just for downloading books?
Yes. Most people have access to wifi at home or work, and most smartphones can be setup as a wifi access point, so I don't think having 3G on a Kindle is all that useful. You could save money and get the wifi version.
Would this work overseas as well? I mean is its sim activated for global roaming?
Yes - it's usable internationally by default
I have a paperwhite, bought from Amazon with a mail forwarder and paid $120 or so all up.
The backlight is great if you want to read without waking whoever is nearby, or dealing with the glare of a light reflecting off glass.
I find the wifi model is fine. Using the free @kindle.com address you can easily forward epubs, mobis etc to your device, and it easily syncs when it is within range of wifi. You can set up calibre to push ebooks onto the kindle via email too, if you don't want to use the USB cable.
Anyway my point is that IMHO the 3g isn't worth paying extra for - it would just be an extra power drain.
3g isn't worth paying extra
yeah, not if the price difference is $80…
Anyway, nearly all the kindle books I 'buy' are the free ones posted here on Ozbargain, so the 3g wouldn't get used…
Just go straight to the source folks. Buy from Amazon directly.
Currency drop has effected price, but you can still get the Kindle Paper White shipped directly from Amazon for about $165 AUD. Takes about a week to arrive, no freight forwarding or anything like that. (Just remember to buy the international version)
Dick Smith are smith heads.
Kindle Paper White shipped directly from Amazon for about $165 AUD.
But you can just walk into DSE and get it for $159
The version in this DSE offer is presently $US199 direct from Amazon
Ha, I just saw that it was the 3G and was editing my post.
I still advise waiting for the new model and buying direct from Amazon.
I still advise waiting for the new model
It might be a long wait though…
All true. For those that are still going to buy from DSE, I recommend following jv's link and grabbing the wifi only. The 3G feature isn't worth it in my opinion. The kindle can hold 1000 books, so the need to download books on the go shouldn't be a real issue. As a previous poster said though, the ability to browse for free internationally is a point in 3G's favour.
ability to browse for free internationally is a point in its favour though.
just got to Maccas for free wifi…
Any reason for the price drop?
eg. New models coming out in the next few months?