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closed Comments
In case anyone wants the free companion volume for "How Does Acupuncture Work?"… a valid comparison.
Both can take advantage of the placebo effect, its just homeopathy relies entirely on it.Acupuncture is way more widely practised and accepted than homeopathy.
Arguably acupuncture is no more dodgy than 90% of 'new' drugs, that exist purely to make profit for drug companies, who will always downplay the negative side effects to make big $. How much is really understood about how modern antidepressants work ? Very, very little. They just claim to be 'scientifically proven', no-one understands the exact mechanisms in great depth, hence why they are fairly hit-and-miss. No worse than acupuncture.
Plenty of profit-driven bad science in common, but not understanding the exact mechanism in great depth and having no plausible mechanism are quite different things. :)
Non-scientific thinking leads to turtles get stabbed.…
For those who got in early, EC have added some things at bottom of the list you may not have seen before.
+1CYBER SEX: "FOR WOMEN" #1 - APART - Was $1 that's naughty. Thanks EC :)
Part 2 coming soon :D
thx OP!
Is it just me or do all the reviews seem fake? (almost identical, no actual review)
Sometimes I do wonder…
Thanks EC.
"Chinese Medicine For Healthy Skin …"
"How Does Acupuncture Work? An Indepth Look At Acupuncture"