Less than $6 per season. Thought this was a good deal. Please use my link if you think so. Thanks.
Less than $6 per season. Thought this was a good deal. Please use my link if you think so. Thanks.
All DVD players sold in Australia should be region-free (or unlock-able).
Except for all those ones that aren't. Like the PS3. Or older model players.
But different when it comes to blu-ray players sold in Australia. Not all come as region free DVD out of the box. But i know the Samsung blu-ray players can be made region free DVD by using an unlock code via the remote control.
I said DVD not Blu-ray - sheesh!
There was an ACCC warning which made sure that all DVD player manufactures picked up their slack and made their product unlock-able or region free. It does not apply to the Blu-ray format. Read up on it! People sure are quick to neg around here without thinking!
Blu-ray has 3 regions. Australia is region 2 along with Western Europe and Africa. This title should work in any Australian purchased blu-ray player including the playstation 3.
You'd be right if this was a BD deal. But it's a DVD deal.
We're Region 4 for DVDs, this pack is marked as Region 2 DVDs.
Woops, thought it was a blu-ray deal. My mistake.
not bad. i'd be going for blurays tho since seasons 9 onwards were released in HD
Great deal.
(shut up, Meg!)
Yeah, I was looking at this too — but the reviews kind of put me off in that a number of people are saying it only really covers broadcasting seasons 1-9 (as compared to 1-11 as the description says) :(
Yes i've been looking over the feedback and the box set actually only covers up to season 9 and seasons 10-11 is missing around 30 episodes which should be there is not there apparently. The box set is false advertisement.
Wonder if some one in the production department stuffed up and forgot to include seasons 10-11 as it says on the box. It sounds like faulty box set manufacturing. I wouldn't be buying this box set on the grounds of incomplete seasons.
Seems like the DVD sets ie. "Seasons" differ from the broadcast seasons. Looked on eBay and it appears as if you get 11 separate cases, but technically you are getting 9 broadcast seasons split into 11 DVD "seasons", that really should be called "Volumes" like American Dad does.
Anyway the insides look like this:
So in other words it's not 11 real TV seasons it's just 11 volumes which only covers up to the real season 9. Unlike what the box set claims as being the whole 11 seasons.
Is it complete package? Or the that TV show is still ongoing?
New episodes of Family Guy are currently being made.
It doesn't seem to be complete in the first place. It's only up to the broadcasted season 9. Unlike what the box set claims by saying seasons 1-11. I reckon that's false marketing by 20th century fox.
I mean the box set says seasons 1-11 which would imply the 11 broadcasted seasons it doesn't say volumes 1-11.
I'm pretty sure they count the seasons one ahead in Australia/UK for some odd reason. But I think thats why it says seasons 1 - 11, which would means its really seasons 1 - 10 going by US numbering.
That's not it. Going by the review feedback the box set shouldn't be saying seasons 1-11. It should be volumes 1-11. Whoever screwed up that box set artwork didn't know what he was doing.
As per this link being previously posted volumes 1-11 only cover up to season 9 which is what this box set from Amazon UK actually only goes up to. There is no seasons 10-11 in this box set contrary to what the box set artwork claims. Also the box set says all 150 episodes yet season 11 is at 210 episodes.
So it's a fault in the design and manufacturing phase of this DVD box set. It's actually DVD volumes 1-11 = first 9 seasons and not seasons 1-11. How come 20th Century Fox isn't recalling these box sets with this design fault. False marketing on that box set. You're not getting what you're actually buying according to the box set and dvd case artwork. Some body in the DVD production department screwed up.
Probably a region free DVD player or blu-ray player unlocked to region free DVD is required for this. Amazon UK says region 2 DVD.