hi all - anyone bought a converter which will allow me to use an ipod dock as an android one?? Have seen a few on amazon but reviews are awful and all say it will only charge but not let you play music from your android phone…thanks!
iPod dock- make it work for my Android phone w/ music and charging... Help??

mumof2sydney on 04/06/2013 - 13:23
Get a A2DP Bluetooth adapter off ebay (or on amazon). It plugs into the 30 pin iPod/iPhone connector and lets you pair your android phone to it via Bluetooth. Should be about $10 from ebay, a little more from DealExtreme or Amazon.
Edit: that won't charge though.
Check your local Dicksmith for : Philips AS351 Fidelio Android Dock. It's a bluetooth speaker and android dock. It's a clearance item and was selling for $22 at Highpoint 3032 store yesterday.
Android and Iphone format and store their music differently. The converter just changes the plug, it doesnt change the signal or anything else. I would be surprised if many docks supported it. Just use the line-in function if you have to keep that dock.
See this for an example of the problem
The usb part charges, the headphone carries the sound, but you still have to control it from the phone