Not just exclusive to Chadstone store
Not just exclusive to Chadstone store
I think ozbargainer would be smart enough to know which DSE has them. Thanks for your negative vote towards a legit deal!
loser. pretty sure what the poster meant was all DSE that stock apple
Stop the bs man, you work in Chatstone DSE and posted that deal with your 'friend' willvuu2 or was that you who simply created another account today! You just upset that I post another to counter your Chadstone offer and gave me the negative vote. Butt off OzBargain we don't need you rude person(s).
your friend:
+1 vote for stratosk being a loser. Not a DSE stock the full range, but a bet you could gone in at any store and placed an order at the discounted price.
@BlinkyBill: Man Stratosk is a LOSER! No-one give him any sales!! No-one go to HIS store!! Just get it at another store!! Not worth dealing with an idiot.
Way to go mate, now everyone knows who you are and where you work. STAY AWAY PEOPLE. We don't need trolls on this site.
10% is pretty good, but often many apple resellers will give you a discount straight off anyway. Not familiar with DSE's pricing as compared to apples though
i have hunted for macbook for a long time, with edu discount it only gives you like 4% off, search shop on SI would give you good deal, but never 10% and allow you to swipe your card :P I had once tried JB and nearly start swearing to each other and not even gave me anywhere near 10%, not if you won't buy all these bags, and APP with them. $1889 for macbook is quite a steal!
Noslee, thanks for the heads up. A mate was looking to get a Macbook 2.4 Ghz and I just called him to grab one tomorrow. I did specifically tell me that the Chadstone store didn't have the offer so he would waste his time there. heheheehe :)
Think the Chadstone store has this special as well (big one near woolies). Anyway depends on what your friend's preference is, most of the time the apple refurb store would have the 2.4Ghz macbook going @$2149. $145 further saving and comes with the same Apple warrantee.
http://store.apple.com/au/product/FB467?mco=MjQyMDkxNw currently out of stock. Most time the refurb machines are spotless and no problems. The only thing is that you'll get a brown paper box instead of the retail box. if you are thinking on own use on a budget, that is a great option too. If you were to think resale value down the track, yes the retail 10% off is great.
Great deal Noslee! You always get great bargains!
Great deal, Noslee. But give Myer a try too. Just say DSE has 10% off for MacBook. I got best price from Myer when I bought 24 inch iMac last month. You never know your luck.
Can we use the student rebate if buy an ipod as well??
Now does this entail ALL APPLE PRODUCTS (including phones, iPods) or just computers/laptops?
Interestingly - dont Dick Smith sales staff get 1% of all the sales that they make? not sure but something i heard. Maybe thats why some people are more passionate about their shop over another one cos if you are just a general staff getting $19.76/hr regardless of what you sell, you wouldnt really be encouraging everyone to come to your store :P
What a shame Apple computers prices are still ridiculously high, even after the 10% discount.
Can someone actually tell me what's so good about Apple's?
I didn't think the specs were that fantastic.
All the people I know just bought them because they look cool.
The difference between Macs and PC's is disappearing fast.
Macs run on Intel processors now, can use the same hardware any other PC can and even Mac OSX will be made available for non-Apple PCs in the future.
I don't get why people still rave about Macs as if they're something out of this world. A Mac is an ordinary off-the-shelf PC with a sexy case, and a tremendous price tag.
That's it.
OSX will never legally be running on non-Apple hardware, now and in the future (period)
People never owned a mac before know nothing about the true cost of a mac. Higher upfront cost yes but tremendous resale value. Check eBay yourself.
Ebay is hardly a reputable measure of the resale value of ANYTHING. Period.
Everyone on Ebay inflates their prices, scams people, exaggerates quality and just generally adopt extremely unprofessional attitudes to honest reselling.
You might as well quote the Quokka or Sunday paper.
Reselling computers is utterly useless in today's world. Computers are outdated weeks after purchase. You'll never get enough of a return on an old computer that you've used considerably for an average period of time (1-2 years) to buy a better computer in the future.
Computers are better salvaged then resold in today's world. Or kept running for legacy usage/hardware firewalls/back up systems, etc.
OSX will at some point in the future be introduced for sale to PC users. Apple & Intel's close relationship over the past years and Intel's complete subjugation by MS for priority in bundled OEM systems ensures this. Intel will exert pressure on Apple to adopt the introduction of Windows-based Macs in the future and naturally Apple will create PC-compatible OSX to have an equal share of the market.
I bought a macbook back in 2006 for $1800 and sold it in 2008 for $1100 on eBay from a 99c NR bid. Adding tax depreciation over the 2 year I owned it, I almost felt like I spent nothing. I don't need to quote no one, I have an eBay transaction as prove.
You are super right about Computers dated weeks after purchase. This is the exact case when you buy a PC. Tell me you can do what I did in point 1 with a XPS, and whatever branded laptop. Apple fixes their hardware price all through its life cycle and reseller channel from massive discounting. unlike other brands as such DELL, Lenovo, etc. their value depreciate with weekly special discounts and frequent revisions and model variations.
Purely your own accusation. It is obviously something you'd pray for since you are so against mac, this OSX PC business is utterly suicidal for Apple and totally against their current successful model. Also, Apple is going such length to pursuit Pystar and another German PC companies who make mac clones.