I have a WD My Book Live 3Tb drive. For those that don't know this is a NAS and is attached to my TP-Link modem.
My fastest "write" to the NAS is about 11,400 kbytes/s. This speed is maintained while I download at about 250kbps. It slows down as the download speed increases. At download speed of about 700kbps access to my NAS dies completely. Copying a 100Mb file to my NAS just never completes.
In other words, if I download at a reasonable speed (P2P mainly) I cannot access my NAS from the computer nor from my media player.
My desktop runs Win 7 64 bit. It is connected by a network cable to the modem as is the NAS. I do have a notebook, an iPhone and an iPad that connect wirelessly with the network but the modem takes them all in its' stride.
A couple of questions - 1) Is this normal (that access to a NAS dies when downloading)? 2) if so, can I improve access to my NAS but splurging out on a faster (more expensive?) modem? I think my current modem is an N300 one. What about my buying a N750 one, will this improve access to the NAS during fast downloads?
What do people suggest for a good modem?
I'm not too worried about price but don't want to have to take out a second mortgage :)
um…. have you thought about trying powerline ethernet….. I use that to stream media from HP Microserver. Its speed however depends on your houses wiring.