Best way to go AUD to NZ?

I've been on Australia for a few months on exchange. I want to travel to NZ for about 25 days after exams end (late June to mid July). I have a few questions:

  • What is the best way to use my existing AUD in NZ and avoid fees (I don't think I can get a 28 Degrees Card since I am a Canadian)?

  • I have a NAB and Westpac account in Australia. Should I use one over the other in NZ?



  • Some shops in NZ will have A$ and NZ$ prices listed on their products. Normally the ratio is NZ$100 to A$80. You can pay with A$ if you want to and save you the charge on exchange. Right now the exchange rate is NZ$100 to A$84, so you are better off to pay in A$.

    As for your daily expenses, you have to use NZ$. I found that KVB Kunlun New Zealand Limited in Auckland offers the best exchange rate. (Much better than the banks there) Their address is :

    Level 10, The National Bank Tower,
    205 Queen Street
    New Zealand

  • If you want to withdraw money from an ATM over there I would use the Westpac account. They don't charge ATM fees for Westpac ATM's in NZ.

  • NZD has strengthened about 5% in last 2 weeks to the AUD. If you think the trend will continue, get a Ozforex (or similar if others have) travel card. You lock in the rate now by just paying A$ equivalent. I think it then works like a prepaid debit card while you are there.

  • If you are in NZ then you can exchange money at the NZ post office bank. They gave me the best rate by far of any NZ bank a few years back. That was before I had the 28 Degrees card.

    BTW you may be able to get the citibank plus account, depending on residence requirements. Its a debit card that has very similar features to 28 degrees - no fees, good exchange rates. But you use your money. Its a Visa card.

  • I change money using ATMs at supermarkets. The exchange rate is well on a par with most of the banks (after all, they are bank 'agents') and way better than those thieves that change currency at the airport. There is a flat fee (NZ$6 if I recall correctly) and needless to say, make one withdrawal, not several. I usually just find a Countdown in Auckland, which is the local brand for Woolie/Safeway.

  • I go to TSB. Their rates are generally better than the big banks.

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