Is it possible to buy physical items using Google Play?

I was wondering with these excellent deals on Telstra prepaid sims and the ability to use them for google play if there was some way to use the play billing option to purchase IRL items with ridiculous discounts?

Ie buy 30$ prepaid sim and use an android app to send money to a paypal account or make purchases in your name or even make purchases through that app that will be delivered to you. Of course it could be this is against googles tos and thats why I'm not finding anything.

I don't think the Paypal app has google play billing and don't see ebay having it either but I was wonder if theres anything one could order using google play.


  • I don't think so, even apps have a limit of $20/app.

    • Yeah I agree I don't think they're is any way yet. But most my purchases are under $20 on eBay anyway. Of course if there is a limit just send $20 then $10. If there is a way could mean 66% to 80% off.

  • You can buy a Nexus device!

    • $20 limit aside I thought you couldn't buy Hardware from google using google play credit or through the play service. (just from the a quick google search of families upset buying their kids 350$ worth of google play giftcards with the expectation of being able to use that credit to buy hardware)

      • Yet another example of how flipping stupid gift cards are!
        If you're too "lazy" to think of and buy a present, give cash and a suggestion as to what it can go towards.

        • completely agree cash is superior in every way.
          still stupid you can only use google play giftcards for non irl items though.

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