Buying then refunding Collector's Edition of games (PC, XBOX etc.) ?

So I tried buying a Medal of Honor Warfighter collector's edition (CE) from EBGames the other day and as advertised on EBGames' website, the CE was the exact same price as the Limited Edition (LE). Since the CE contained the LE (the exact same game box, manual etc) + a tin case thing + a t shirt, I reasoned with the cashier at the time to let me 'buy' it and then refund it on the spot.

She gave me a receipt to sign (similar to what would happen if I paid cash) and I left the store with my freebies since I'm into collecting that sort of gaming stuff.

I went in there the next day and met a different worker who told me for some reason, I'd only be able to get store credit and I would actually be out of pocket of a few bucks when I gave him the example of Aliens: Colonial Marines (CE = LE in terms of pricing) and told me that they're actually not supposed to do that since they'd be giving away free stuff.

Is there anyone who works @ EBGames, jbhifi or something similar and could enlighten me on this? Is it allowed? Is it against store policy?


  • +15

    How about you actually buy the game+extras, and not try to take advantage of them.

  • +4

    You didn't BUY the LE though, you bought the CE, and it's not what you're wanting to return. You'd be doing well to get store credit, as I see it. What you're proposing would be similar to buying something in a two-for-one deal then wanting to return one of them for a full refund.

  • +6

    They were wrong to refund you if you did not return the merchandise, even though they are selling a component for the same money.

  • +11

    Are you kidding?Why didn't you just go in and steal the merchandise,oh you sort of did!!!!!

    • +2

      EB should have given him the game THIEF instead

  • +8

    IN NO WAY do they have to do this. You're pretty much complaining that they wouldn't give you something for free. That first person who did it for you was 100% in the wrong.

    Think of it this way, even though it cost the same price for you to buy, they now have an inferior product to try and sell for the same price. Since that product now comes with less there is a smaller chance of them being able to sell it. All because you were being selfish and wanted something for nothing.

  • +16

    I work at EB Games and I hate getting difficult customers like you. What a joke.

    Though our policy is that you can return a game if you don't like it, you can't if it's not in resellable condition, which can be if there's some sort of hygiene issue (you're buying a shirt. Shirt = clothing, so that could be a potential problem) but it's still always at the manager's discretion.

    They shouldn't let you do it though: if you buy a CE, their stock is -1. If you return it as a LE, that stock is +1. See the problem?

    Personally I wouldn't let you do it out of principle. If you want to something, Mod: Foul Language buy it.

    • How could they get paid in cash when they returned it in the first place?

      I'm not saying OP isn't a dishonest but there's something really wrong with the policies, possibly related to the amount of training the staff get. I recall others had taken advantage of the EDGE offer in the past and accumulated thousands of dollars (?).

      • I don't understand the question.

        • A store associate will quickly tell you how much store credit your games are worth.


          How did they get paid in cash and not store credit?

        • Trading in is different to returning. Refunds = cash back.

  • +2

    Are you kidding me…..this is not being cheap this is basically stealing why don't you just steal the game instead

  • +1

    wow this guy is a model citizen

  • +4

    Very scummy.

  • I've returned the aliens ce and I returned it 2 days after the purchase. Still sealed and all, I asked if it was possible for a refund. They said they're not suppose to but they agreed to do it anyway

    • +2

      thats bullshit, if its still sealed and you have proof of purchase…facepalm

  • Well if you think about it, you bought the collectors edition and returned it as a limited edition. That doesn't make any sense as the proof of purchase would clearly show "Collectors Edition". It should be returned as the Collectors Edition and not the Limited Edition, even though it's the same thing at the same price. I can understand them giving you store credit for returning the Limited Edition since it is classified as a "trade in" since you have to refund the Collectors Edition in order to get your money back. From this point onwards you really cant BS your way out of it since you normally need a proof of purchase for a return meaning your receipt needs to show Limited Edition.

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