Speaking of Ext HDD's. I wonder if anybody has knowledge if a vertical HDD puts less load on the moving parts that a horizontal HDD - given the vertical is not subject to gravity pull?
Upright and horizontal HDD?

Not significant these days. Maybe hor/ver was a big deal back in the days of ST-506.
I don't think it matters, and even HDD manufacturers say the same thing. HDD's work fine horizontally or vertically. So long as it is not diagonal because it places uneven loads on the moving parts.(*)
(That's just something I heard from a Seagate forum)
Thanks guys, good to have informed opinion. I worked in the mainframe data centres back in the day and and disk stack off the horizontal was frowned upon.
I suppose it's just a matter of space now. Vertical takes up less on the desktop.
Yeah mostly space, even on the WD site they say you can stack it vertical or horizontal as long as you obviously keep it secured.
The drive can be mounted sideways, on end, or even upside down as long as the mounting screws are used properly.
Thanks for the link. I was referring to ext desktops HDD's, whether the vertical or horizontal were better for longevity. Guess I wasn't clear on that.
Doesn't matter at all, google is your friend.