Company Of Heroes 2 Server Stress Test

Enjoy :)

We will be running a limited and controlled test of the Company of Heroes 2 servers, and would love to get your help. We're looking for a limited number of people to play the game, which will put stress on our servers so we can make sure they're up to snuff for the launch.

This is not a Beta. This is not marketing thing, this is us wanting to make sure we're ready for launch and asking you guys for help in making sure that happens.

Since this is a test we are hoping the servers get knocked over quite a bit. That means that you may lose connectivity, or find that you can't play the game at times. If you're the sort of person to get frustrated by that sort of thing, please don't take part.

The Open Beta will be much more satisfying for you. Also we need to control how many people have access to this at a time, so we're controlling how many people are being invited. Please do not share the instructions for accessing this test with anyone. If everyone who we let into the test shared the information with even 1 other person we'd have double the number of anticipated people accessing the game.

This could slow the game's development, delay the Open Beta and have consequences on the final product. We're trusting you to work with us to make the best game possible.

Please be cool about this.

If you do want to take part in the Server Stress Test and took part in the previous Closed Beta please email: coh2servertest at now.

Thank you all for your support! With your help Company of Heroes 2 will be one of the best games we've ever published.

  • the Company of Heroes 2 Dev Team

Please don't be an idiot and post the passwords anywhere.

Anyone keen on a game, add me on steam: shaw207


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