Hi guys, looking to buy one of these for dad…
and wondering how I get it working on a TV that doesn't have USB support.
Hi guys, looking to buy one of these for dad…
and wondering how I get it working on a TV that doesn't have USB support.
And you can usually use a hub if you need extra USB ports.
But doesn't the dongle require power? And I do believe the keyboard is bluetooth, not USB…
The dongle will have a wall adapter, my one needs 2A/5V via micro-usb, as does the one you have ordered. You will probably need a US to AU plug ($1 on ebay). The wireless keyboard I have uses a usb wireless adapter dongle and it looks identical to the one you have ordered.
Thanks for clearing that up. The package says it includes…
Mini pc* 1
Hdmi cable* 1
Usb cable* 1
User manual* 1
free air mouse keyboard *1
I'm assuming I'll need a USB power cable to get this started? Where can I pick one up for a decent price
I think the usb cable mentioned is probably the wall adapter (that has a micro usb plug). To be 100% sure, best email the vendor, but I would be very surprised it it shipped without a power supply.
Go to geekbuying.com
The sticks are usually the originals so you get better support from the rom scenes. Also im pretty sure thats the remote a friend of mine has and its too bulky.
I got the mk808b with mele f10 flymouse from geekbuying, they will send you aussie plug free. You should 2amp power adapter, thr mk808 came with a mini usb to usb adaptr also. Im sure the keyboard is rf and will have a usb dongle. Best to get a usb hub, powered one if you plan on connect external hdd.
Sorry typing on phone so kinda hard to see anything
So if I buy it from these guys, will it be ready out of the box for a TV that has no USB support?
I'm also kind of reluctant to spend $20+ for a remote just for the device. Wondering if these dongles support Wii remotes via Bluetooth?
LolwutMikka, if you want a fast, reliable device that simply does the job without missing a beat, then go with Minix Neo G4.
I have wasted a lot of money on various HDMI dongles before e.g. Mk802, Mk808 but then luckily bought Minix G4, and haven't looked back since then.
They have a great development support team, who push out latest firmware with great new features. Their latest feature which would be released today or tomorrow is HDMI DTS passthrough sound for Home Theaters.
They have an their own android and iphone app to control the mouse and keyboard, so you don't have to spend on a keyboard. I use my phone all the time to control the device. I also occasionally use Logitech K400 with it and it works great too.
Website is : http://www.minix.com.hk/
Try Aliexpress for cheaper prices.
Any questions, shoot.
Again though, my big issue is running one of these things on a TV that doesn't support USB. Will I have to buy an adapter and an additional USB cable to power them up from the wall?
The tv need not to have a USB, moreover from my experience with all the past devices and the current one, usually the power from the USB of a TV is not sufficient so the device keeps rebooting when you launch an app that demands more CPU power.
These devices come with their own USB power adaptor which are usually rated at 5V and atleast 1.5Amps. My devices have misbehaved in the past as soon as I used a generic USB adaptor of any less than 1.5Amps. So simply use the adaptor that comes with the device.
The good thing about the G4 is that it comes with a small IR remote which you can use to turn off / restart / stand by the device.
Your TV doesn't need USB port and a USB port from a TV is not sufficient to power the Android stick. It does have to have HDMI though.
I see the infrared port, but that aside, is it fair to assume from the specs on that link that it avoids the not uncommon android-stick bluetooth issues by not having any bluetooth support at all…?
Not a problem, just use a wireless Logitech mouse and keyboard. Problem solved.
(Note said keyboard mouse, if using Logitech unifying receivers, need to be paired using the pairing software on a PC first before it works on Android).
Tas, it has got the Bluetooth capability for sure, ofcourse by using a dongle.
I know, just pointing out the lack of native.
Bluetoothed native without a dongle…
Okay, there's an image.
There are 2 devices in that package. One is a USB keyboard, the other is a HDMI Android stick. You plug the HDMI stick into a HDMI capable tv and it has USB ports for you to plug input devices (keyboard) into.