Wiggle is currently having a buy one get one free promotion with their High5 Zero electrolyte drink. Each one comes with 20 tabs which makes 10 litres in total.
Wiggle - High5 Zero Electrolyte tablets - 20 tabs, Buy one get one free! $8.23 each + delivery

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Referral: random (9)
Referrer gets a voucher for 10% of referee's first order. Referee gets voucher for $18 off ($110 minimum spend).
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closed Comments
They're still going everyone just got sick of posting discount codes every week.
Delivery starts at $12.54.
free shipping min spend ~£50.
I asked what happened to their recent isogel bogof deal - it turns out it's too heavy to post to Oz and they actually make a loss due to shipping. so they replaced it with the bogof zero tablets. I asked them to offer surface mail for heavy items like that - hopefully if enough people ask them they'd consider that as an option.
I've found vitacost to be cost effective for gels etc.
Waake up Jeff!!
Let the others use the toilet.
i see whay ya did there took me a way to long though. 1234 hi5
What happened to Wiggle ? We used to have deals from them almost every week, now their deals are becoming sparse.