New DSLR camera for hoildays

Hey, i've been looking into dslr camera's and i've never owned one before. I'm looking into the Nikon range and i'm wishing to spend $500. I'm currently looking at the D5100 or the D3200. Mostly the D5100 though.

I've found the D5100 for $489 on kogan. This comes with a 18-55mm lens. Is this a good price or do you recommend something else.

Thanks can't wait to capture pic during my holiday :P


  • +2

    Are you sure you need a DSLR? They are quite large to carry around on a holiday and if you have no experience with using one (ie, plan on using it on full auto) you might be better off getting a good point and shoot.

  • First, I agree with the above comment. On my last holiday I took my DSLR kit ( Nikon D7000 with 18-200 lens), and our compact camera, Panasonic TZ 30. The Nikon stayed in its bag, and the Panasonic captured 99% of the trip. Why? Not only is it compact, but it takes awesome pics no matter what the situation. Having said that, I am a dedicated DSLR user, just not on holiday. If you are set on a DSLR, and I can't blame you, because apart from anything else, the experience of using a real viewfinder and hearing/feeling moving parts when you fire the shutter is quite sublime, then both cameras you have just mentioned are fine. I have just bought a D5200 from Kogan a couple of weeks ago, and it's great-half the size/weight of the D7000. (Also, Kogan were great to deal with. The cameras are grey imports from Hong Kong, so they say 2-3 weeks delivery, but I had mine in my hand within a week of ordering! ) Remember that the D3200 is the new model, and the D5100 is the superseded one. I have checked both out, and I would recommend buying the D3200 over the D5100, not only because it is a new model, but because there is nothing that the D5100 will get you that you need over the D3200, and the D3200 is cheaper. Also, I would not buy the kit 18-55 lens. There is nothing wrong with this lens, but for holiday use you would be better served buying a third party lens fron Tamron or Sigma in the 18-200 range. A D3200 with a Tamron 18-200 will be a very, very capable, lightweight, easy to use outfit for any beginner to intermediate photographer. I hope this helps a bit, and good luck on your photo journey :)

    • I ordered a Canon EOS 650D from Kogan on Friday and got it on Monday, unreal :)

      Grey import, $29 delivery. Checked Shopbot prices at the time, delivery was $79 to $109 as a rule :(

      VERY pleased with Kogan :D

      But a little more than what you want to pay though. Haven't looked recently but was under $600 last time I looked.


    Get the Nikon D5200 + 18-55 & if you want to spend a little extra get the deal with the 55-300 kit

    I cant recomend the D3X00 series for the small price difference. Canon have a good range too…

    But i have to say my first choice would be the D5200 from eglobal. Nikon have awesome UI and build, eglobal are an awesome online seller, ive purchased thousands of dollars worth of gear over the years. The gear is GREY overseas markets and come with a AU adaptor or with the money you save just buy the right but of plastic from nikon to fit the charger for AU (some cameras only come with US in grey imports); but its so worth it with what you save.

  • outdoor snaps in good light Get a compact camera or superzoom cam.
    indoor and/or lower-light A DSLR is more suitable, provided you don't need or can't afford a supzerzoom lens because you can crank up that ISO sensitivity without big penalty, unlike compact cameras, and the optical viewfinder will be the BEST choice for working in low-light (have fun getting any details from a noisy sensor in low-light or harsh sunlight, especially one without a viewfinder)

    Compacts with fast lenses and reasonable size and weight Low-light compact cameras like the Panasonic DMC-LX7 give a bit of both: they are great in low-light due to the better lens for this stuff and are far easier to travel with and suitable for both low-light and outdoor (BUT it doesn't come with a viewfinder for ease-of-use in harsh sun). Great at macro too. Multi-talented. Won't give you great zoom. Won't do as good as DSLRs in higher ISO noise performance but given the faster lens, you probably won't be cranking the ISO sensitivity. It will give you a compact camera that can be used indoors without flash and other low-light situations and is much easier to carry around than a DSLR.

    It all depends what's most important to you when travelling.

  • Hey, thanks for all your help. I really want a DSLR camera and i'm thinking of purchasing the d3200 after your responses. I'm also going to be using it after the holiday and once(maybe) i get good enough i'll switch to a better camera. So what i need help on now is whether to buy the base for the d3200 for $409 and buy the lens separately?

    thanks again for all the help :D

  • i had the D40 and now the D3100.. good thing with Nikon is that the kit lens is excellent! no need to buy lenses and blow your budget. the long VR lens is good but not essential on holiday. i either shoot with one or the other.. its a pain to keep changing lenses. i have compact and pentax too but i always pock up my nikon.

    im a mum of 3 and its light enough to fit in my handbag!

    worth every cent. get the sb400 flash.. its essential for pro pics. check out ken rockwell, good tips for pre programming manual controls.

    • thanks for the advice. so are you suggesting to get the d3100 over the d3200 & d5100?

  • they r all good. not sure about the prices but the 3200 seems like a good deal! work on your composition.. i know ppl with exxy dslrs that takes mediocre pics. for the price, its so much better than any compact and still small and lightweight. im still using entry models because of the size and weight.

    • thanks! I'm thinking of eventually doing some sort of photography course or getting tips from a friend who take photos professionally. I still can't decide between the 5100 or the 3200. They're both good camera's for their own reasons.

  • if you can't live without a tiltable lcd like me, the d5100 will make your life easier. But it has less megapixels; 16 on the d5100 versus 24 on the d3200. The extra pixelage could come in handy when cropping/resizing/resampling.

    • thankyou for your response :D

  • thank i decided to buy the d3200 for it being more user friendly and more megapixels. Know i need you help in finding the cheapest price. i'm thinking of purchasing it for kogan but if someone finds it cheaper please tell us . Also should i wait until a sale goes for the d3200?

    • I wouldn't really buy a camera based on megapixels…

      • I'm pretty sure I agree with you. :D

        Thanks for the advice but I still believe i should stick with the nikon 3200 due to it being most user friendly than the d5100. So all i need to do know is to look for the best deal. If anyone can help with that, it'll be greatly appreciated! :D

      • +1

        Ken Rockwell should be taken with a grain of (very large) salt.

        Sensors improve, megapixels improve. You simply get more detail with 24MP, especially when downsampling to 16MP or whatever, you will see a difference between the native 16MP camera. Sensors have improved and cropping and enlarging are far less of an issue with more pixels - especailly on larger sensors and on cameras not constrained in other areas.

        If megapixels don't matter, Ken should stick to using the D40 like he bragged about for years. "Nobody needs more!"

        Look up the specs on the D40 to see what I'm talking about. Then go read his older articles.

        • You would upgrade not because of the megapixels but because of the technology advancements of cameras?

          Over the years I'm sure cameras have been improving with the buffering of photos as well as the noise performance of sensors. I haven't had a D40 and admit that I am still an amatuer in this field; however, I would like to believe that the noise performance in particular, but not limited to, has improved over the years. There are probably other changes with the actual camera itself that innovate and change.

          The reason for Ken's change of DSLR should not be simply based on megapixels but rather the advancement of technology.

        • If it's other tech Ken upgrades for, then the megapixel talk becomes moot: you're getting more megapixels anyway as time goes on (which is a good thing, all things being equal).

  • Hi

    I am looking for the best price offer for Panasonic Lumix tz30 compact camera? Any help appreciated. I'm in Sydney. Thanks.

    • I'd recommend making your own post, so that your request doesn't get overlooked.

      • Tks for your suggestion. First time posting. Not very tech savvy. How do you start a new thread?

        • Just go to the appropriate forum, then hit the box in the top right corner marked "new topic"

  • If you're not looking to really learn how to use the camera outside of auto, consider a mirrorless micro 4/3 camera such as Fuji's range or Nikon does the Nikon 1. Pretty much all brands have something in the micro 4/3 range. They're cheaper and do offer manual modes if you want it. Also WAY smaller and the quality is far above point-and-shoots.

    Having said that, if you really want a DSLR, I can vouch for the Nikon D3200 as an owner of it myself. I've shot a couple of professional events with it, it handles nicely.

    Be wary of the kit lens - it's a $90(ish) piece of glass. With that, you have to ask yourself the question, "Why do professionals drop thousands, sometimes tens of thousands of dollars on other glass?" - Quality.

    I'd recommend the 35mm 1.8 to accompany the kit lens - no zoom, but that quality s**ts on the kit lens. You can pick it up within the $100-$200 range and can save on shipping getting it all together.

    Don't forget the accessories - a bag, memory cards (perhaps spares), extra battery, maybe a lens pen to clean it…of all the accessories, the bag will cost the most for some strange reason.

    Enjoy your camera dude!

    • thanks so much. I'm pretty sure I want the DSLR as i want to get into the hobby of photography more!

  • Maybe not the cheapest but from a somewhat reliable dealer, DWI.
    Free shipping and payment via paypal

    Hipster version (Cheaper):…

    Normal version:…

    • thanks but i'm able to purchase it cheaper from kogan at the moment, sorry. But thanks again! :D

  • D3200 Nikon hey?, I own it, I like it.
    I have 18-55 for wide angle shots , 35mm for general fast low light photography . And 85mm f1.8 for portraits. I very happy user. I might get the 18-35 sigma f1.8 when it comes out.
    I think the camera is great and the lens are fantastic!
    I hope you enjoy you d3200 too!

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