My son has birthday money to spend and is looking to buy an Ipod Touch he wants a 3 or a 4 with minimum 16gb at least. Are there any bargains around? thanks
Son wants to buy an iPod Touch 3 or 4 with his birthday money

how old is your son?
perhaps he could look at buying a used iphone, similar pricing, same storage amount plus bonus featuresiPhone 4 is better but more expensive, maybe $250 - $300, if can afford that it is a better buy. If doesn't need latest iPhone a 3GS for $167 delivered could be the way to go if this seller is reliable…
Agreed that iphone 4 would be better but no way u can find a brand new ip4 for below 300$. Stay away from iphone 3GS because apple ceased providing new firmware for 3GS , meaning there will be heaps and heaps of new applications n games which wont play on it.
If it is not so urgent .. New models are releasing soon and there will be more sales on old model.
We finally let our 9 yo twins buy a ipod 4th gen 32gb for $195 @ the Good Guys (Brighton, Vic) in late Apr. They also sold us the screen protector at 45% as a package deal.
Hope you didn't spend more than $1 on the screen protector…
My 2 boys bought touches around Xmas themselves
I thing to think about - you will need Gen 5 for the latest games
Gen 5 is like the iPhone 5 - slightly larger screen and more powerful processor and graphics
Some of the newest games don't work well on older touch - especially Gen 3 or earlier
Some that say only on Gen 5 do work on Gen 4 but occasionally glitch or go slowAnother tip - I signed up the touch with my Apple store account
That way when they want to install or update an app they need to ask me for the password
I put it in each time not tell them
Means I can check what apps they are using and also minimises the risk of 'in game' purchases
There are some great free games available but most of them have 'hooks' to get you making in game purchase to speed it upGreat he is still saving but is only 10 so will not need a phone yet. thanks
I think dicksmith had 8gb gen 4 for $78 for click and collect. But then your local may be out of stock
thanks, in past Dick Smith has always let me down, but I will try and find stock.
Also check out EB games, they do pretty good refurbs. Don't think it's a great idea to get a 2nd or 3rd gen though since it won't play the latest apps. Since his still saving, by Sep/Oct there should be a newer iPod touch so should be alright.…
I got my iPod nano 6th gen (with the clip) for running and it works great.
thanks will check it out
Officeworks has 16Gb for $188, but imo the better bargain is only $199 for 32Gb. Is on clearance so get in quick.… Comparison prices are here…