Advanced Task Manager Android app is now Free for one day only $0
To remove ads, go into settings and put in the promotional code "appoftheday"
Advanced Task Manager Android app is now Free for one day only $0
To remove ads, go into settings and put in the promotional code "appoftheday"
What's the promotional code?
Did it show you a price? It says free on the web page.
It's "appoftheday".
The free version has ads.
why is this being down voted? It's a valid point…
cant seem to get rid of the ads
Go to settings and put in promotional code "appoftheday".
Where? The Remove Ad button redirected me to Google Play to purchase the Pro version.
Do you have Appoftheday installed?
Yes just installed after downloaded the apps, may be I should uninstall it and download it from Appoftheday.
Done but the same no where to enter the code.
yeah I got it through app of the day before I came here and I cannot see where to put the code
You didn't read what we posted either, under settings there is not 'promotional code'…
Are you sure you have Advanced Task Manager, and not Advanced Task Killer?
Task Killer doesn't have promo code under settings, but Task Manager does. It worked fine for me after I got rid of the capital A at the start of "appoftheday"
I am responsing to Jonaseymour's post but got deleted.
I am sure because I clicked the link inside appoftheday.
Download the application from the Play store. Run the app, click the options button up the top right, click settings. 1 setting is Promotion Code. Click it, type appoftheday click OK. Then exit the app completely so it's not in the memory. Go back in and there are no ads.
I can only see "Remove Ads" and click on it will redirect me to the Google Play Pro version.
How does this compare with Android Assistant?
While something free is a always a good deal, I'd like to point out that Android doesn't need a task killer. Android will handle the apps for you. Forcing apps to close can actually do more harm than good, including killing your battery whenever a compulsory app needs to start up again.
No need to use task managers/killers on Android. So not a great deal imo (but not enough to neg)
also want to point this out
I agree.
I love that on my Nexus 7, but What about the iphone ? does killing apps also kill the battery ?
Restarted the app( even restarted the phone ) after applying the code and they dont remove the ads . it started bringing adware into it , looks like a safety issue . had to uninstall it . I better off with Ram booster or Advanced task killer which is already free .
agreed, i used advanced task killer which is always free and works perfectly. Not sure why you would choose this one over ATK
me 3…can't get rid of the ads
Drains more battery , All the apps will restart on both version even it kills automatically (ATM) . It gives adware after i install it ( not the one that comes on the app , the one that prompts you to install other apps ) which ATK doesnt do ( for over 2 years ) . I think that explains
Couldn't remove ads even with promo code and some apps didn't die after being 'killed' numerous times (GameBoid for example). I feel I may have been to hasty to upvote this app.
If you're rooted and have AdAway installed, this promo code is not needed since AdAway blocks the ads by default.
so where do I put the code??? I've got app of the day it came up as the daily free app but I could not find where to enter the code, so I came here to see if anyone else had similar problems
did you even read the instructions?
Did you ever try to install it by yourself?
yes i installed it and removed the ads by putting in the code
Same here, Installed through AppOfTheDay, but Ads appear and can't find where to put code on setting.
Unless your phone is on 2.2 or lower you don't need a task manager.
+1 it actually drains your battery more
This app is only for Android mobile phones….not for Android tablets. Good luck
…Phone apps can run on tablets fine.
Except where the app has been written to look for phone capabilities, an example being Whatsapp.
There have been workarounds for older versions of Whatsapp.
just installed on my tablet - works fine no problems. dont know why people are having problems with this - just follow instructions properly and your all good
Because despite the arrogance, alot of Android users are idiots. The same reason this app even exists.
not arrogance, stupidity. those who cant find where to put in the promo code should just stick to pen, paper and mailing stamp. maybe even that is too advanced for them
Only useful pre gingerbread 2.3 Android OS
identify the bad app and uninstall it, replacing it with an app that works properly. To pin down the app that’s misbehaving, you can try the Watchdog Task Manager app – it will show you which apps are actually using CPU in the background, not which apps are harmlessly being stored in memory.…
This one is good and always been free:….
I used this app, it actually freed up too much memory as in completely shut off my messaging service and I also lost all my SMS.
Task killers are useless and cause more harm on Android because of the way Android is structured. And this app will definitely drain more battery for stopping apps that are either coded to always run or required to run in order to function properly, every time you turn the screen off.
Having the apps restart again and again will actually drain the battery more than leaving them running in the first place.
"Q: Why do apps restart again after killing?
A: Some apps are restarted by system events. Apps cannot be prevented from restarting because of system limitation. We suggest you to enable auto kill in settings, and it will kill tasks on every screen off. It will help to save battery life and release memory for the phone."
cannot find the place to enter the promo code.
Are You Serious?
Task Killers use more battery than they save. They also slow down your phone. If you have a rogue app that needs frequent killing you should really just uninstall that app (though I've never come across one that does and I have hundreds of apps on my phone). The Android OS manages memory far better than any app in the store.
Source: I'm an Android developer.
I don't care how 'free' or good of a deal this is (I won't neg) but do NOT use this.
Android does not benefit whatsoever from a user manually killing applications. (In fact, killing applications causes a large overhead that will increase your battery consumption and slow the phone down.)
You can kill services (which only exist because they are supposed to be running, and will probably restart when you kill them) from within the OS.
Actually that only applies to properly coded apps.
There are plenty of apps that are not coded properly and do not sleep correctly as well as buggy apps that stay in your notification bar.
Either way you can manually go into settings, find the app and then force close it, so you don't exactly need this.
Then it's a poorly written app, switch to a goo…Oh wait it's Play Store, carry on.
This app lasted less than 24hours on my mobile, best to avoid. Total rubbish!
App by Infolife