Stopped at one of those key cutting booths found in shopping centers and ask about getting a replacement door remote for two cars - one for a Mazda 3 (less than 10 years old) and a Commodore (less than 10 years old).
For the commodore the cost was $150 and for the Mazda it was $200!
Are these prices about right or expensive?
What are some places where I can get a replacement remote at a lower price? I am on the Gold Coast.
I was looking for reasonable price remote replacement for Toyota. Cheapest I found was $90 (after negotiation).
I made it myself for about $5.
If PCB still works, then it would be better to find same (or similar enough) not working/used remote on wrecking yard, ebay or gumtree and put pcb into slightly used case.
I had rubber button worn and went off. Just ordered push button on ebay and soldered it instead old one. It doesn't look like original but it's waterproof and works ok. And cost me about $5.