My first post guys,
Free sticker
Something FREE for a good cause
My first post guys,
Free sticker
Something FREE for a good cause
Think you'll find (Red) is pretty well known…lots of companies have (Red) products.
People know the products, but I doubt many people would make the association between RED and AIDS.
Well then they're ignorant. That's the brands sole objective.
bad marketing does not equal ignorance
But buying something labeled with (Red) without know what it is, is ignorance. Very stupid ignorance.
how does a free sticker help support? wouldnt a donation be more effective?
1 like = 1 prayer mate… Don't you keep up?
all these likes are keeping bon jovi alive. 1 like = 1 prayer, and we all know he's livin' on a prayer….
Exactly my point…
FB required? Oh well, i suppose people without a FB account like me are not good enough to support AIDS research…
Always free
FB Required
Seems like money wasted, thousands of stickers may not cost too much, but the postage, time, etc does. The money in this program could be better spend elsewhere, radio advertising or something, would reach more people..
Or as crazy as this may sound, they could use the money that's been donated to them and actually fund aids research and education. How many thousands of free condoms could they provide to those who have the most risk of spreading/contacting aids.
Bill Gates has recently started a million dollar reward fund for someone who can make a more 'satisfying' condom to try and prevent people spreading the disease because they don't like condoms. All this [Red] ever seems to do is try and spread awareness amongst those of us in non third world country's and ask for donations.
Stop spreading awareness here, you have massive funding from the likes of your supporters in bono, apple and many more. Focus that money on completing your mission and helping those that you claim to want to help.
I honestly don't understand how me having a sticker will help anyone. I do believe in what they claim to be trying to accomplish but when they already have over 200million in funding and massive corporate sponsorship.
Yes they are working to provide medication to those on the ground which is great, but prevent and cure through the use of a mixture of medication, condoms and education.
Really?? A free sticker and you think thats a bargain?
My shopping centre gives away free balloons. Should I post that?
Yes please. I like balloons.
Actually, (Red) give away balloons too.
OzBargain is getting flooded with new ungrateful members.
My shopping centre gives away free balloons. Should I post that?
Mine has free parking.
Mine has free air-con on hot days
Mine has $0 entry monday to friday, and half price entry on weekends.
Such a scam, as usual with these high profile "nonprofit" ventures.
So by putting this stick on my bumper, I will cure aids? Please elaborate.
I don't get the "I'm inspi[Red]" message…?
Too cryptic to do much good, ie, if folk can't grok it…?