Just went to my local ebgames store and they have a big preowned sale prices start from $1. Starts Thursday May 9
Thank you to Hasquarl for making the list :)
Pure 360 - $1
Link's Crossbow Training Wii - $2
Fifa 10 PS3 - $3
Killzone 2 PS3 - $4
Gears of War 2 360 - $5
Halo 3 360 - $6
Battlefield Bad Company 2 PS3/360 - $7
Halo 3 ODST 360 - $8
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood PS3 - $9
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 360 - $10
Brink PS3/360 - $5
Fable 3 360 - $5
Carnival Games Wii - $5
Brain Training DS - $5
Big Beach Sports Wii - $5
More Brain Training DS - $5
Rage PS3/360 - $9
Halo Reach 360 - $9
Wii Remote - $10
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 PS3 - $12
Battlefield 3 PS3/360 - $18
Wii Fit + Balance Board - $19
Nintendo Land Wii U - $20
Kinect Sensor without power pack (for Slim Xbox 360) - $25
Kinect Sensor with power pack (for old Xbox 360) - $30
Halo 4 360 - $35
3DS Console - $98
Fifa 12- $18
EDIT: here's a link for kinect (picture)
Can't see the kinect for 25 bucks, got a link thanks