States on Kogan website that timeframe for delivery is 6 to 8 weeks.
Surely not.
Anybody with recent experience?
Time between order and delivery of Kogan Mobile SIM

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I just ordered one 4 weeks ago…still waiting and they cannot allow me to pay the extra $15 to fast track the delivery now they say…odd. Anyone else ordered a SIM and got one sooner than the 6-8 weeks stated recently?
Took over a month to send to me, another 2 weeks to activate after they couldnt port my number, then i had barely any service and the internet was super slow. Took it out and threw it in the bin.
When I saw the quoted 6 - 8 weeks on the website I assumed it to be an un-updated page hangover from the very early stages of the service when they were being inundated with orders - relative to staffing levels - and were having well publicised issues with porting - mainly and ironically, I think, from Telstra.
Outright grief and other issues continue, it would seem.I ordered, saw later 6-8 weeks to deliver. Emailed CS the next day to cancel order, got refunded the $4.99 same day. The whole 6-8weeks shipment date shocked me.
It took a while because they were totally out of stock. got one eventually.
I orderd one but I decided to join vaya. I still have the sim. If anyone in melbourne wants one. FREE! to pickup in Melb CBDJust curious - I gather there are companion IOS and Android apps with Kogan mobile, but I assume there is a conventional - and fully functional - account page on desktop as well?
I've got a Sim from Kogan but never ended up using it since people commented on my topic KoganMobileOzB and the countless pages on Whirlpool.
Its just lying on my computer table gathering dust, simply a waste of my $4.99. Wished I'd joined Vaya when they had their 3G plans =_=
I got mine well within the 6 - 8 weeks…i think it was about 3 weeks before the order was received and sent out, but it only took about 3 days for it to be delivery. Really quick turnaround time, sims are large and bulky products so needs to be handled carefully. Never activated due to negative feedbacks though…
Saying that I order another sim from TPG and got it 2 days later….
Did the Kogan package fit in the mailbox when it arrived or did it come by truck?
6-8 eights week is far too long. Can you buy the sims in-store?
The sim I ordered arrived 5 weeks to the day. Still ridiculous. If you order, you may be lucky and get it sooner - just don't count on it.
You better believe it. I ordered mine express and it was still really late. They also have zero customer service as everytime you call it keeps you on hold for 30 minutes and then disconnects. Their email response also just got back to me yesterday (I emailed them two months ago regarding the status of my order).