• expired

Complete Baby 20% OFF Huggies Disposable Nappies


We are currently offering 20% off the listed price of ALL Huggies Disposable Nappies.


Example: Huggies Nappies Toddler Girl Mega 108 (WAS $45, NOW: $36.00)

And as always free shipping Australia Wide.

No maximum per customer, no conditions, available to all customers while stocks last.

UPDATE: Most of the initial stock on hand has now been sold. We are receiving more stock on the 17/05/2013. You can continue to order and your shipment will be sent on that date. The 20% code is still active.

Mod: Customers have not received thier orders. It is recommended to initiate a refund ASAP

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Complete Baby
Complete Baby

closed Comments

  • Not bad at $0.33 per nappy. Right now Woolies has an online special of Huggies Boys Nappies Toddler 10-15kg Jumbo Box 72pk for $30 which equates to $.42 per nappy (http://goo.gl/mgf8u).

    • but you can make it for $.28 for each nappies,

      1st : Bought 1 box with 20% off $36 (toddler 108) and like them on facebook
      2nd : Bought 1 box with $20 off $25 (toddler 108)

      $61 / 216 nappies = $0.28 cent :)

    • +1

      WARNING Caveat emptor!

      As others have noted, this is starting to sound quite ominous. No-one, including buyers of his previous deals posted a week before this one, is yet to report having had anything delivered. After ordering $300 worth of nappies, I'm suspecting this could get very messy. All the moreso for the proprietors as I and many others tend to get bitter and vengeful when scammed, if that is indeed what Michael and/or Stephen Munday have done. For a bit of background on someone with the same name as the website registar, have a read of www.michael-munday-fraud.com or www.austech.info/general-chat/48512-michael-munday-former-ya…. Seems we could be dealing with a serial offender.

      Apologies in advance if we are not talking about the same serial con-artist, but just dubious and woefully suspicious new business operator with the same name. I'm happy to retract once we get evidence that anyone has received any product from this company, or the rep can give a credible explanation…

      • :(

  • Great deal. The free shipping is the clincher. Without that it would have been no better than Wollies at the moment which is $30 for a regular box.

    • -1

      free shipping is the clincher.

      That's a typo…

      • What are you on about?

        • +7

          I haven't been here long…but it's been long enough to learn to ignore any comments from jv

        • -1

          I haven't been here long…

          thus the need for nappies…

          long enough to learn to ignore any comments from jv

          you're not doing too well at that.

        • +3

          Replace the p's with t's. :)

  • A good deal if I could get on the website…

  • i just bought 7 boxes with your 15% off code
    now u got this 20% off here
    can i still get my 5% off more under my order ?

    • my order no. is

    • -3

      Please contact our sales department and we will see what we can do.

      • -2

        is that a yes or no ?

        • +8

          Yes if you would like to contact our sales department, we will ensure that the 5% difference is credit back to your credit card.

  • Awesome deal, passed this on to my pregnant colleague who is will snap these up! Very good price, thanks OP

  • Great price, got mine. Thanks OP!

    • +2

      I hope you mean "your child's"

  • +1

    got their reply already!
    they really provide gd n quick service
    very rare in australia!!
    good job

    • Any sign of your nappies yet?

      I know many companies that are gd n quick at taking money…

  • Thanks for the deal! Just ordered two boxes for my daughter.

  • The front page says "Like Us" on facebook and get $20 off your next order. Can I have this on top of the current deal?

    Having said that, their link to FB is not working. I managed to find it (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Complete-Baby-Pty-Ltd/51949976…) but nothing's there.

    Anyway, I purchased 5 boxes, thanks OP.

    • -1

      Yes thats correct, like us on Facebook and receive a $20 coupon code. Your code will be issued within 24 hours. This coupon code is not valid with any other offer.

    • That's not their current page

      Plus you can't use the $20 off coupon with the 20% off coupon

  • Great deal. Bought 5 boxes - thanks OP.

  • Just ordered. Thanks OP
    great deal :)

    also liked their FB page, still waiting for the $20 coupon code.

  • Great deal, thanks OP. Just ordered a box.

  • Never heard of you guys before but I know you now. 2 x Huggie swimmers for $14.39 + free shipping - Love it!

  • Are these the same as the ones sold at the supermarkets? I've bought huggies while overseas and they were pretty bad.

    • I can confirm these are Australian stock, the same ones that are sold at the supermarket.

  • Ordered a mega pack, would've been more if space wasn't an issue at the moment.

    Nice deal

  • cannot login to your site using fb

    There has been an error processing your request
    Exception printing is disabled by default for security reasons.

    Error log record number: 1331072140763

    • -2

      We will have our technician look into this. In the meantime you can logon by creating an account.

      • is the $20 off on the second order or can that be redeemed on the first order if i login using an account on your site?

  • +4

    Is your ABN listed on the website?
    All I could find was this info:

    Domain Name completebaby.com.au
    Last Modified 04-Apr-2013 09:44:59 UTC
    Registrar ID VentraIP
    Registrar Name VentraIP Wholesale
    Status ok
    Registrant Complete Pty Ltd
    Registrant ID ACN 082141768
    Eligibility Type Company
    Registrant Contact ID CFOXWU1109-00000
    Registrant Contact Name Stephen Munday
    Registrant Contact Email [email protected]
    Tech Contact ID CFOXWU1109-00000
    Tech Contact Name Stephen Munday
    Tech Contact Email [email protected]
    Name Server auns1.abstractdns.com
    Name Server auns2.abstractdns.com

    Googling Stephen and Michael Munday doesn't bring up good things. Hopefully not the same people

    • -1

      Not sure exactly what you are referring too. If you have any questions, please contact us.

      • Do you have an ABN, and are you the serial scam artist Michael Munday?

    • What things did you find on Google?

    • How did you get the Munday names on your search?
      I searched under the domain name under whois ausregistry and it just came up with:

      "Whois response for Completebaby.com.au:

      Domain Name completebaby.com.au
      Last Modified 08-May-2013 11:16:15 UTC
      Registrar ID VentraIP
      Registrar Name VentraIP Wholesale
      Status ok
      Registrant Complete Pty Ltd
      Registrant ID ACN 082141768
      Eligibility Type Company
      Registrant Contact ID 1368011774143785
      Registrant Contact Name Complete Baby
      Registrant Contact Email [email protected]
      Tech Contact ID 1368011774584606
      Tech Contact Name Complete Baby
      Tech Contact Email [email protected]
      Name Server auns1.abstractdns.com
      Name Server auns2.abstractdns.com"

      • +1

        It looks like they updated their details on the 8/05/13 which was the date I queried them on their contact details and lack of ABN. They shouldn't be charging GST without an ABN

  • Do you guys offer pickup?

  • -2

    Sorry we do not offer pickup.

  • when tried returning to complete baby after paying by paypal, i received fatal error / out of memory / server errors

    i have received paypal email but none from complete baby

    how do i know if you still received my order?

    i did not create an account


    • -2

      Please email us [email protected] with your order number or email address and we will confirm the order and resend your order confirmation.

  • i can't find crawler Boys mega pack, do you have?

  • REP: I have made two orders today. I only received an order confirmation for one of them. The other one (#CB629450) only resulted in a Paypal receipt (from which I copied the order number). Can you please check whether both orders are successful?

    BTW, your Ozbargain ID does not accept "private messages"

    • I can confirm order CB629450 has been received, I have taken the liberty of resending your order confirmation email. Please contact us if you need anything else.

      • thanks, all good.
        BTW, feel free to combine both orders to save postage.

  • Rep Crawler girls "Out of Stock" :(…..do you have any more avail please?

  • Tried to call them on their listed number and the number is disconnected. Not sure if this is something to be worried about.

    • -1

      I can confirm our number 1300 600 157 is active and we are taking calls.

      Please be patient as we are extremely busy. If your call cannot be answered please leave a message.

      The quickest form of contact is email [email protected]

      • +1

        I think the issue is that the number listed on your website is 1800 600 157

        • Thanks for bringing that to our attention. This has now been fixed.
          Just confirming, correct number is 1300 600 157

        • the number on the website is still incorrect.

  • REP: I ordered 10 * Huggies Nappy Pants Girl Toddler 31 last night, order number #CB632618.
    Paypal shows the payment has gone through, but I did not get a confirmation email from you, now when I log in to my account on your website, it says order cancelled, what's the story??

    • We have located your order and payment confirmation. We will reset this for you. Apologies, not sure as to why the order was showed as cancelled.
      Rest assured the order will progress from this point.

  • Hi CompleteBaby,

    I ordered a bugaboo Cameleon (order number CB628856) with 15% off and via express post.

    Following issues:
    1) Still no show and no reference number for following up. I was promised only take 2 days with express post.
    2) Since it is now 20% off, can I also get 5% difference credit back to my credit card.

    Can you please help me to follow up?

    • Hi there, I have also responded to your email. We have checked on the delivery and it is to be delivered today. Deliveries can occur up until 6:30pm.
      With regard to the discount, I explained that the 20% discount only applies to the Huggies Nappies.

    • Did you get your stroller/pram?
      How did you rate your customer experience?

  • How do I order online if it is out of stock? I can't seem to find a way to add to cart?

    • You are able to add the products to the cart and checkout as normal, once the stock arrives it will then be shipped to you.
      If you are still experiencing problems, please contact us [email protected]

      • Sorted. When I tried previously there was no 'Add to cart' on the product page. Even when I did it from the front page it returned an error. Ordered now.

  • Bought a box of nappies. Hope it arrives!

  • +1

    I am expecting my order CB633740 to arrive within 5-7 days on ordering, so that would be Friday 17 May at the latest. If you believe it will not arrive by this date, I would like to cancel this order and get a refund as I was not advised it would take longer to deliver my goods at the point of sale.

    Look forward to hearing from you. Thanks.

    • Can confirm delivery will occur on time. If there is anything else please contact us.

  • +1

    Hi CompleteBaby Rep,
    I already sent the following email twice: once to [email protected] and another one on the website online form. I also left a msg on your voicemail and still no one contacted me…

    Hi Complete baby,
    Do you have any idea when is my order going to be delivered? it has been already 7 days and the order is still showing Processing in the status.

    Your help is appreciated!

    Order #CB630330 (placed on 8 May 2013 3:08:54 PM EST)

    To be honest, it seems a bit sus the way you guys conduct business after payment…

    • We have replied directly via email about your concerns regarding your order. If there is anything else, please contact us [email protected]

      • +1

        No, you did not reply to my email!!! that is why I'm getting sooo frustrated…

  • I also ordered on the 8th and have the order status "Processing".

    Can you please let me know when can I expect these to be shipped?

  • +1

    Just wondering, has anyone received their nappies yet? I'm iffy on ordering.

    • +2

      I ordered on 8/5 and apparently it should be delivered by 17/5 at the latest but I have not received any notification to update my order status yet.

    • +2

      Order placed on 8th May 2013, still nothing. Not even an email or call from the company. Oh BTW, don't even try to call them as an answering machine will pick up.
      I would just wait till someone can confirm they got their order…

    • +1

      I too placed order on 8th May, no email and there is no sign of the order on their web site. The money was taken though. I've tried the form on the site and emailing, but no response.

  • Due to a large volume of orders there has been a delay in processing orders. I can confirm that ALL orders placed on the 8th and 9th have now been shipped.

    The order status on your account will not change to complete until such time as we have been notified that delivery has been completed.

    For those who have not received an order confirmation email, please check spam folder and if you need it resent please let us know and we can organise this.

    For those not wishing to wait any longer please email is and we will organise a full refund.

    Our telephone system has been very busy, we welcome all customers to email any enquiries for a guranteed 24 hour response, but usually much quicker. [email protected]

    • +1

      Can you send the confirmation for CB633102.
      No email in the Spam folder and in the online account the My Orders tab has the message 'You have placed no orders.'
      Can you confirm this order was recieved? And if it's been shipped?

      • Email sent, and order updated.

  • Just tried the code - it's telling me that

    "Coupon code "OZHUG20" is not valid."

    Has it expired?

    • No it's not expired and should be working fine.

    • +2

      If you haven't ordered yet…wait

      There's no point saving 20% on your order if you don't receive any product. I haven't received mine yet and doesn't sound like anyone else has either.

      All of a sudden no one can contact them by phone and live chat is continually offline

  • +1

    Hi Rep, could you please check my order # CB628394? I ordered on 5/5 and have been advised that item was shipped on 7/5, but yet to receive it.

    • We have emailed you directly.

  • +1

    Hi, I purchased three boxes of nappies on 8th May and still haven't received anything. My order number is CB632970. The order still says processing. I am very disappointed as we will need the nappies soon. Any information you can provide about this order and if its shipped would be much appreciated. Thank you!

  • +1

    Also waiting on nappies bought on order CB635764. Can you advise status.

  • +2

    Just letting you guys know that I'm still waiting for anyone from Complete Baby to either contact me by email or give me a call back as I left a voicemail 2 days ago and still waiting…

    Also the "we welcome all customers to email any enquiries for a guranteed 24 hour response, but usually much quicker." is not true either, as I emailed more than 24 hours ago and no one sent me any emails as yet.

    I made the order on May the 8th (more than 8 days ago) and still waiting for the delivery, I will give them a last chance to deliver the 2 boxes of Nappies by today Friday, otherwise tomorrow will start the complaint process with paypal as the company does not look to be serious enough to care…

    If anyone already received their order from Complete Baby it would be great to know how long it took for all of us that are still waiting.


  • +1

    I ordered on the 8/5 and still have not received. Hopefully it will come today

    They are going to have a hard time getting repeat business with customer service like this

  • +1

    still no nappies for me either. ordered on the 8/05.

    Whats the point in having a phone number if no one is going to answer the phones??

  • +1

    another company that comes on here underestimating the ozbargin community and gets snowed under. i also am waiting for my order from the 8th. i also cant find a email. all u do is end up getting a bad name because of delivery.i cant understand it.

  • +1

    orded on 8/5 nothing either. what is the phone number you have? in my email it's 1800 600 157, but the number is not valid.

    • +1

      Posted above by OP

      I can confirm our number 1300 600 157 is active and we are taking calls.

      Please be patient as we are extremely busy. If your call cannot be answered please leave a message.

      The quickest form of contact is email [email protected]

      Except they're not taking calls and it doesn't sound like they're replying to emails

  • +1

    Most orders were place over a week ago, has anyone received their products?

    A lot of people on here saying they're having trouble contacting the company. Has any received a return phone call or reply email?

    • +1

      Nop, nothing yet… should we start worrying???

      • +1

        If it's just you and me then we're probably being paranoid…let's see.

        But then again, just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you

    • +1

      I've had a reply on Wed to the email I sent to the sales@ address, saying the order had been posted and I should expect the delivery this week. Nothing arrived as of yet though.

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