Car labour hourly rates

Does anyone know what is the cheapest hourly rates for car labour? I quoted with 2 places Kmart which costs $107 p/h and carservices $95 p/h, are these the standard rates because I have heard it should be from $40-60 or was that like 20 odd years ago, need to get my car up and running before my rego expires in 2weeks!!!


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    Contact/Email all the local mechanics in your area and ask for a quote. Local mechanics will always be cheaper and provide better service.

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      Once one of the local mechanic charged $580 from me just for the oil change for 2 cars. I kept servicing from him for couple of years and every time he was charging $80 for a car when I bring the oil and oil filter. So one day I went with both mine and my wife's car and gave oil and filters for both. I didn't ask the price as he always charged 80 for a car before. I went on an appointment. We were sitting and waiting in their office room for 5 hours until they finish the job. I walked on the street on the back and see if they do anything on the car. Till the last half an hour the car was parked on their back side of the shed. They took it in last 30 mins to do the work on it.
      When the oil was changed he gave an invoice for $580 for both cars. Only work on the invoice was oil change and $290 for a car. I questioned why. But no explanation he said that't how much they charge now.
      That was the last time I went there and it was 2 years back. Now I always ask the price before they start even if I know the price and go to the same place all the time. They are hard to trust.
      Try to find a trustworthy mechanic from local and stick with him (until he decides to play his tricks) :)

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        I'm sorry to hear of your bad experience, there are definitely a lot of shonky mechanics around, it's important to find a good one. Sounds like you definitely got not only dicked around time wise, but also ripped off financially. There are good ones out there! Shop around!

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    even in the country its about 80/hr these days

    • realistically $80/hr is on the low side for any metro place

      once you add in rent workshop equipment insurance and all the other crap you gotta be kidding yourself if you think $40-$60 is gonna do it

  • or pay a mechanic to teach u how to service the cars.

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