Saw a bunch of these in Moore park supacenter,
Limited to 3 per customer.
Toshiba 4GB USB $3 Each @ Harvey Norman

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Similar experience for me but with their 8gb sticks.. bought two, both work for a week or two, then loose data/corrupt… Absolute rubbish and wouldn't touch Toshiba USB drives with a 10 foot pole..
Toshiba invented flash memory.
You'd think they'd have their stuff together. said, I haven't had a problem with my ancient 1GB toshiba USB stick.
Nor the Toshiba MicroSD (with adaptors) that I've standardised on since I bought the USB stick.But I haven't bought Toshiba in a while.
Just be patient and they will be $2 or even $1, like the couple I bought last year. Sure they are slow but they work fine for USB OS installs.
yeah the $1 was nice, it was weird though cause no one was buying them at the store I went to.
Should have bought more despite the 2 per customer limit.When I got them, the store had a 5 per customer limit. I returned after lunch and got another 5 from a different checkout employee.
Not sure if the staff dident know or what happened but when I got some for $2 limit was 2 I got 4 of them so maybe some staff members are unaware of this
They probably don't care. They see a bin with a thousand of them in there and probably feel like a dork to point out such limitation :)
In do the same good for installing windows or Linux to netbooks and PC's without DVD drives but like most people I'll wait till there $1 then grab around 25 of them :)
"Limited to 3 per customer" - Means each customer can only lose 12GB of data….
you can score a bunch of 2G USB for free in vistaprint.
I bought a few of these late last year when they were $2 - note they don't seem to work at photo print places like Kmart. A lady who was near me was also trying to load photos off one of these usb drives and they just wouldn't work with the machine.
The must just built cheap I don't think there very good but the people I gave them to said they were great but Harvey Norman musent be paying to much if the can sell them so cheap
I've still got a couple in the packet and on the HN sticker it says Toshiba - 4GB Exclusive USB Key, so perhaps they're 3rd rate memory or some such sold on the cheap to HN.
Would not suprise me.
Gerry can't make payments on the new mansion; he's gettin' desperate.…
April 18, 2013
used for 1 day, then the USB is 0 byte. i.e controller is working
open the case up, the memory drop down……….
soldering part is rusty!These things aren't worth $3
I never have bad experience with toshiba. They have really great products.
You still working at Toshiba?
Just kiddin ;)
Humour at its best.
Got them for $1 each couple ofweeks back.
Using Toshiba USB drives for years they never let me down.
Hope it continues that way for you. Not so for me and two friends with data loss and reformating needed.
These are without doubt the worst quality USB drives I've ever encountered. Data SEEMS to copy to them OK but after a week or so it's corrupted. Writing it again SEEMS to work but then it fails without warning.
Also it crashes my Astone movies boxes and my LG TV won't turn on when it's plugged into the USB socket. Soniq TV refuses to record onto it, but records onto every other drive I've tried.
Stay away! Not even worth $1.
These have been $1 and $2 in the past. $3 is still an okay deal but not really in "bargain" territory anymore given they are pretty poor performers. I got 10 last time at $2 ea, one was DOA.
For me, performance doesn't matter as I use them to load work files for clients but I'll wait until they appear for $1 or $2 and bulk buy then :)