- Captures handwriting on any plain paper up to A4
- Mobile Mode - Write it, store it, no PC required
- Online Mode - Upload via USB and email as jpeg also works as a tablet when connected to PC
- Insert sketches, signatures, equations, and notes into Word documents
- Convert handwriting to digital text using MS word recognition engine
- Annotate, add comments, edit and draw in your own handwriting onto MS office documents
- Create instant messaging using ICQ, Yahoo Messenger, Skype etc.
- Writes on regular paper and stores up to 100 A4 pages in memory
- Rechargeable battery and LCD status indication
- Full Mouse functionality when working online
- Includes Notes Manager Application
- Handwriting recognition software included
Olin OL-MNT101 Mobile Mini NoteTaker $94 with haggle + free shipping @ Crazystu

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I've worked for Olin before. Was involved in the importing of these products. The OCR software is as good as you make it. I spent around 45 mins training the software. The software also learns as you go along. I found that after initial training, there were a few words (ie my name) which it kept screwing up on. The software has a simple tool which enables you to re-map acronyms and mis- spelt words. Once this was completed, the software worked like a charm. Sure every now and then when my writing would get REALLY messy - even to the point I or other humans would have trouble reading, yes it made mistakes, but %99 of the time - no problems. One thing I did find with the unit is that you do have to increase your left and right page margin for the unit to work properly. It doesn't like going right to the edge of the page.
I've spent more time with these units that most I would say in Australia. I've read the odd review from reviews who have obviously not read either instruction manual for either the unit itself or the OCR software (Myscript Notes).
A few cool features I found on the software were the ability to convert short hand or acronyms. If I had to write "Australia" many times for instance, I could tell the software to convert "aus" into "Australia" or "NSW" into "New South Wales" for instance. This is EXTREEMLY useful if you're like me and are doing a science degree for obvious reasons.
As OCR software goes, I'll be honest, the last software I used was for a scanner years ago so I've not tried much, however I am confident that if you spend the time setting it up as per instructions, the software will work well.
PS. My handwriting varies allot depending on my mood and how long I've been writing. Everything from full caps cursive, low caps camel caps and messy to the point of near illegibility. I thought the unit performed well under all circumstances.
One more point, these are excellent Graphic design tools. Converts hand sketches into vector by copy and pasting to illustrator. Works well in place of a wacom although not pressure sensitive. Flow control in Photoshop gets around this though.
Interesting product..been looking for a digital pen/tablet.
Is this the same as Pegasus' Notetaker digital pen?
You are showing an edited version of the promo video (linked from YouTube) on your website which is the same one that is featured on the Pegasus's website………http://www.pegatech.com/aren't you also a rep from Crazystu?
Yes, the Pegasus unit is similar and I am fairly sure they use the same manufacturer. The last unit I saw from them was different however they may have updated their range.
Yes im a rep from crazystu this is why I tried to keep as objective as possible in my review. Incidentally, if the unit gained the respect is was robbed from one "Technology reviewer" who didn't bother reading the instructions, I would not feel so passionately about fairly reviewing this product.
how long does the ink tend to last?
is the ink a certain/special type? or could you buy refills from Office works?Same as your standard BIC Etc pen refill but not generic
3x Refill are available for $5
Plenty of stock available
Any reviews on this? I've read one and said while it was okay for putting your handwriting onto the computer, the ocr program was fairly poor.