I'm after a food processor. It needs to have the fittings for chopping, grating etc (like this one: http://www.crazysales.com.au/philips-food-processor-with-3-i…)
Any recommendations? Is it better to keep away from the no name brands?
I'm after a food processor. It needs to have the fittings for chopping, grating etc (like this one: http://www.crazysales.com.au/philips-food-processor-with-3-i…)
Any recommendations? Is it better to keep away from the no name brands?
Great- cheers for that.
I'm not necessarily after that exact model, so are there any other models people would recommend?
I have a Breville Wizz food processor, I'm happy with it, does the job and still going strong after 4-5years. One I recommend you avoid like the plague is the Sunbeam Multiprocessor, that machine has a terrible design flaw and I can't believe they are still selling them, it broke the first time we used it the blade cuts into the plastic, Myer happily replaced it only to have the exact same thing happen again. The Phillips one looks pretty good.
If you want one that will last for years, and do everything that you want. Buy a KitchenAid processor. Most commercial kitchens that I have worked in, have them as a standard. I have had one for too many years to remember. In kitchen equipment the old saying, that "you get what you pay for" really rings true.
I bought the Philips HR7774 for $129 from the not so good guys (very recently).
HN has it for $229.95
Good Guys website is showing $149
Thanks for the tips all.
This one did look like a great deal - http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/95935
But I haven't found it at target yet. I might wait for another sale
Are you really happy with the HR7774? Any issues?
I thought the exact same as you that I would wait for another deal like the Target $77 HR7761.
For the extra money though with the HR7774 you get a much larger bowl and blender jug, stainless steel blade and 1000w motor, juicer, and a few other things.
The $77 one was a good deal comparatively, but I think I got my moneys worth for the extra I paid and the extras I got.
The HR7774 has been excellent - good quality stuff, all the attachments I need, the extra size is great and the motor etc.
So yeah, probably similar deal $77 HR7761 or $129 HR7774 but as I needed one now I went the HR7774 and it's doing a great job…….
I've been watching some Jamie's 15 minute meal episodes and this hr7774 is virtually the same processor he uses and it certainly seems to perform well. I was going to splash out on his branded model but now that I have seen I can get it with more accessories for a cheaper price I'll head down to the Good Guys. I think the 1000 watt motor would make a big difference compared to 750 watt. Do people agree?
Yes - big difference
Thanks Jamestown appreciate your input
Hi, I am reading all your interesting comments as I'm also on the look out for a good blender/mixer. Got excited bout the hr7774 but have just read some reviews on them & not many ppl were happy. Apparently this particular model is is being phased out & Philips don't have any more spare parts for them.
Magimix http://www.kitchenwaredirect.com.au/Magimix-3150-Food-Proces…
369$, 20 year warranty..relatively quiet!
I can't update the deal thread on the Breville Kitchen Wizz Pro (BFP800) as it is closed so figured this is the best place for it:
If you purchased this food processor you would have noticed that it explicitly says that your warranty will be void if you put cheese in it. Breville have since released a revised edition of the cheese processing parts which they will send you for free. To check which model you have look under the motor unit for the model number; if it says BFP800/A you have the new model, if it says BFP800 you have the old model and are eligible for the replacement parts by contacting Breville Customer Call Centre on 1300 139 798 or [email protected]
Breville Customer Support posted this spiel on productreview.com.au:
We would just like to reiterate to all that the BFP800 was developed with best-in-class cheese processing ability. However during an abusive test with oversize wedges of hard cheeses without the rind removed, it was found the Grating Disc could potentially be put off-balance. As a safety precaution, until a design solution was introduced, Breville added the cheese disclaimer to the product.
As you can now see Breville has since resolved the potential problem by redesigning the BFP800's Grating Disc and Lid and the cheese disclaimer is removed from the product. If anyone requires any further information regarding their product please contact Breville Customer Call Centre on 1300 139 798 or [email protected] where we will happily answer any questions.
I emailed them yesterday and just received a reply - the replacement parts will be delivered in 5-7 working days. Very happy as it is an awesome food processor and I was pretty annoyed when the manual said that I couldn't grate cheese without voiding the warranty.
i would suggest staying away from no name brands as this is something that u wll use quite a bit..
also instead of buying from crazy sales online why not buy teh same thing from harvey same price see below link
if anything goes wrong u can always return /exchange/refund etc..
Plus go there and ask for a deal i am sure they will reduce 10-15 bucks easy… your welcome…