Most affordable extra cover?

I'm in the market for extra cover, but most of the ones i see are $40 per month with no rebate (way too expensive) or pay almost nothing.

At this point i'm leaning towards picking GMHBA which has a policy for $25/month. From what i can tell, it covers dental benefits for a set amount per item and covers 80% of optical costs up to a max of $170. As a bonus, most waiting periods are currently waived.

Does anyone happen to know of anything better?


  • I think St Lukes Health might be cheaper for equal or better quality
    You could also look at the One Big Switch offer if it's still available

  • Thanks for the heads up. Biggest problem with st lukes is that it has sub limits for optical, which is a no go when my lenses cost like 90% of the glasses.

    Whats the one big switch offer btw?

  • Oh cool. 10% discount for australian unity…unfortunately i don't fit the requirements.

  • GMF's lite policy has a $250 optical benefit, 100% claimback. Slightly more expensive than GMHBA though ($33 per month with no rebate).

  • There is a discussion regarding Dental with tips on general cover here

  • Oh that was pretty helpful.

    I just got a price check at my local clinic to find out that they are charging $200+ for examination, scaling/polishing and fluoride treatment.

    Somehow i get the feeling most dental policies are not going to cover anywhere near that amount…

    Edit : Yea, item numbers for dental cleaning are 011, 114 and 121. GMF lite only covers $90 out of a $200+ bill…

    There just seems to be no way to make extra cover worth it

    • Australian Unity will cover 100% of the cost of cleaning, check ups, flouride treatment, mouthguards (not sure what else). But only if you go to one of their clinics. Their comprehensive extras is a reasonably priced. Not much rebate for therapies though. Might be worth checking

  • I have been looking at the dental cover too and I found the NIB cover offers the best value so far.

    If you get only the extra covers its about $5, and it will cover unlimited preventative dental which include examination, scaling and fluoride treament. 60% back for registered dentists and if you do it at the NIB dental centres, its NO GAP ie free!

    If you join before May 31st bundled with basic cover (together it will cost around $20) they will waive the 2 months waiting period, so you can claim straight away. Join and make payment right before you go, cancel the cover after and you pay nothing for the treatments (edit except for the covers). I would personally keep the $5 extras cover cuz thats a small price to pay for no gap and unlimited preventative dental.

    They also have cover for 'health and wellbeing' which includes gym membership, rebate for up to $400. Only an extra $2 on top of the basic extras.

    Hope that helps!

  • On a side note, they also waive the 6 months waiting period for me as a bonus… So claim straight away on all the 6 months wait as well!

  • Are you sure about the no gap thing? Because on the NIB site it specifically says that benefits are only paid from NIB registered providers, and absolutely no mention is made of a no gap network.

  • 100% sure. On the quote page it does say registered providers but if you search making a claim, unlike other insurers you can do the check in any registered clinic and they don't restrict which place you go to.…

    On the phone but this should be the link. Check out the locations of their dental care centres to see if it works for you.

    • It says the no gap is for check ups only (examination, scale, clean and fluoride treatment)

      • Yea but the OP was asking for check up only….

  • Ah okay. I just had a look, unfortunatley they don't have any dental centres near me :(.

  • bump.

  • bump.

  • biump.

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