Hi All,
I'm after a reliable free or more likely cheap web host. My website is mostly informative (ie not interactive, just for service details etc) and emails are important.
I currently have a free account with Servers Australia, but find that alot of my emails end up in people's spam folders due to the shared-cp mail server and people presumably taking advantage of the free service and sending spam.
Can anyone recommend me a cheap provider with reliable emails that should go straight to inbox, not spam? (Very frustrating when I send invoices that aren't paid because they are sitting in spam!)
There's no reason to move your webhosting, you can normally just move your email over to another provider. E.g. you could move it from your web host to using Microsoft Outlook on your own domain name free of charge:
If you only have one email address (with aliases if you like, but just one 'inbox') then you could alternatively use Google Apps for free, otherwise it's $50 per user per annum. This would give you GMail on your own domain.
Using Outlook or GMail will greatly reduce your mail being considered spam, especially if you follow the instructions they each provide for adding an SPF record (Outlook) or SPF, DKIM and DMARC records (Google Apps).