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$140 moneyback when you open a Centrebet account


We've just added a few more merchants and thought some of you may appreciate the massive $140 moneyback Centrebet is offering if you sign up for a new account and deposit $10, could be a good way to start your matched betting careers!

"Open your free account with Centrebet today and you will receive 5 Free Bets! Simply open an account, deposit funds, place your first bet and you will receive 5 free bets."

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closed Comments

  • Thanks! $140 O_O

    I signed up and wanted to deposit via bank transfer. I found the banking informaton, but how do I specifically deposit into my account at Centrebet? Is citing my username with internet banking transaction enough?

    • I see your problem, I think that may be a question for Centrebet directly? [email protected] or 132 946.

      Hope this helps?

      • Thanks. I will ask then.

        Sorry for taking your time.

        Update: They gave me an account number by email and said to use that for reference for the bank deposit.

        Update2: It worked. $10 deposit through internet banking

  • Steve

    Nice one. $140 is nothing to be sneezed at, in fact its a very generous cashback. Both wife and I have joined up. And cleared all cookies before starting.

    Thanks a million - well almost…

    • Using the same Moneybackco account?

      • No My wife has her own account, which I referred her to - so I will make $2 when she gets paid

  • So anyone got their money yet?

    I registered but still haven't got my free bets. Do I get them after the game has completed or should I follow it up with them?

    • As far as moneyback goes, the terms state "Leads will be regularly imported into affiliate accounts. Live tracking not available". Not sure how regularly is defined but we haven't seen any yet, its on the CommissionMonster network which is possibly the best so just a waiting game for now I guess.

      I believe you only get your free bets after placing a bet and each of the free bets are 20% of the value of your first bet.

      Hope this helps?

      • I have placed my first bet. I'll check in a moment if I got them. Watching TV…

      • I won my first bet of $10. Got $47.50.

        This plus the moneyback sounds very good.

        I got my 5 free bets. Going to withdraw $45 and mess with whatever else I make.

        • Wow!! how about sharing some tips!!

          • @[Deactivated]: I know nothing about who I betted for. Just chose the next match.

            I wasn't after winning anything from centrebet but I did. :)

  • anyone know how long does it take for the moneybackco offer to appear in your transactions (in the moneybackco website) ?

    I did completed this offer and joined centrebet on wednesday and i've yet to see the transaction appear in my moneybackco account.

    • We haven't seen any transactions imported as yet…will be sure to post here when we do.

      • When are we going to see them?

        You said it is weekly for this provider.

        • Hello r,

          I didn't say weekly, I said regularly according to the network, whatever that means. Anyhow we got an email this morning advising us that "Statistics for the Centrebet campaign have just been updated and will appear in your affiliate statistics area over the next 48 hours", so they'll be in soon!

          • @Steve: That's great. Thanks Steve!

          • @Steve: Cool.

  • To withdraw money from centrebet you are required to send them a copy of photo ID, your credit card, and proof of address.

    They are all quick and easy to take money but to give…

    • Yes this is to do with money laundering regs etc. But it will be a one time only requirement. At least your $45 eases the pain

      • I made another $10 from the free bets. :)

        I mean they should have such requirements before they talk money from you not after.

        • actually they do. its part of the T&C that you agreed to - you know the ones you read so carefully before signing up. :) LOL, still you're making money while you wait.

          And even if I can't get the money out of them - or cant be bothered, the $140 from MBC will be worthwhile

          • @[Deactivated]: Err. I didn't read what I said. I meant to say it should be required before they can take money from you.

            You do get an email about it when you sign up. So it isn't like they are hiding it in T&C.

    • I sent them a scanned copy of my driver licence and bank statement and they were very quick to deposit into my bank account.
      Hope you got your money back already.

  • Right then we've had the Statistics imported, we have an issue with the tracking information, in that username as passed by us do not appear on the transactions, however we do have account numbers, so can you (re-)submit enquiry forms with the date you signed up and your account number and we'll match them up and pay you out.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

  • I must say, I'm a little concerned by this.

    I just submitted my enquiry form on moneybackco, however I had a bit of a guess as to when the "transaction date" is. Is that when I registered with centrebet, or is that when they received money from me? As I paid by bpay, they're two separate dates for me.

    Also, is submitting an enquiry form 100% necessary to get the cashback? I gave a mate directions on how to take part in this offer and I'm curious if I'll further have to give him directions on submitting a transaction query.

    Edit: I'm also unsure where to obtain the "account number". Is that just our centrebet username? I was unable to find any other unique code or reference.

    • Hi,

      We need the date you registered with them and your account number on the enquiry.

      Until today we didn't know how much or little tracking information was available for this offer, every merchant is different, we have a way to track moneyback but its not the most convenient unfortunately.

      • just finished resubmitting the inquiry form with my account number.

        Now there is 2 outstanding inquiries, is this normal? how do i delete my first inquiry?

    • With date of registration, did you keep the email they sent you when you registered? That's how I found out about when I registered.

      For the account number, I think if you send them an email to ask for your account number, Centrebet will tell you. I didn't know what it was either and only found out when I asked about deposit by bank transfer.

      • Thanks!

      • Done. You're right. I just gave them a call to obtain my account number.
        Strange that it doesn't come up under the centrebet profile or anything.

        • It is in your email subject.

          • @r: I beg to differ:
            "subject Welcome to Centrebet"

            • @McBeardy: The second email. The one you get after depositing money. Its in brackets.

              • @r: Oh ok, sorry. I used bpay, so I didn't receive any second email from them.

                • @McBeardy: I paid with Credit card and didn't receive the second email either - looks like its a bit patchy. I did send emails on separate days (so I got a different person) - requesting my account number and was given it both times.

                  But you can also find this out by logging on and the following

                  Go to My account
                  You should get a pop up window, showing total balance etc
                  Find the line "my Balances" - under Centrebet logo. Look across and you should see drop down panel saying Manage Your Account. Click on this and scroll down to click on deposit BPAY

                  You will see Centrebets Biller code 36400 and under that is the customer reference number 9 digits - use the first 8 digits this is your account number.

  • New question altogether now:
    Are you aware of how long will centrebet will payout on this offer for new registrations?
    I'm waiting for results before I go recommending it to my girlfriend ;)

    • Merchants tend to have fixed budgets for campaigns and at $140 a go I wouldn't think it'll last that long, although you never know…

      • Far out.. tho I WOULD recommend moneybackco to friends, I would NOT recommend centrebet. My girlfriend signed up tonight, called them to ask for her userid and instead of getting it, they locked her account for further investigation as being suspicious (coz it was registered at the same residential address as mine??). They had better unlock it, or at least refund the money she deposited..

        • Don't treat them as stupid. Such promotions don't last a human audit. Unlike you some of us made accounts not just to get referral money. Ahm.

  • My enquiry has been sitting there for 3 days. Whats up?

    • Aren't we allowed weekend's off :-)

      We're working as hard as we can to resolve the tracking issues at the moment, in fact until we can satisfy ourselves that all is working as it should be we've suspended this offer on MBC, we will get back to everyone as quickly as we can. Sorry for this inconvenience.

      • The Romans said no to one day off for the Jews. I see no rational for you to have two days.

        Just kidding. Forgot about 'em weekends.

      • i hope MBC can have this all sorted before by the 3rd of August, otherwise we'd have to wait another month for payouts to be made.

  • Please note that the network tells me that a lead is not 'complete', i.e. they won't pay moneyback until money has been deposited into the account.

    Any enquiries that haven't already been settled will be sent to the network responsible on or around 1st September.

  • Just a heads up, I paid by credit card and it comes up as a cash advance. I wasn't aware of this so some of you may not be either. Just letting you know.

    I have submitted my enquiry and hopefully it all works out :)

    Now, just to decide what I'm going to put my first bet on…

    • I have got to check my statement. It better of not come up as a cash advance.

  • anyone had any luck yet with this?

    • There is tracking or something in my account over at moneyback but nothing has changed yet. Still waiting. You can turn on email notification now (need to do it yourself), so we will be notified when something changes, I think.

  • I've made my first bet and now have my free bets to play around with. Haven't used them yet. I presume once they're wagered on something they won't expire? (i.e. if I bet it on something which doesn't happen for a while?).

    No luck with the mbc portion yet… fingers crossed :)

  • Anyone got anything yet . Friend who signed up at same time with another cashback group, has just got ok that this has been approved for payment.

    • ozpete, would you mind telling me the website of the other cashback group please? I am trying to see if I can get discounts with companies not affiliated with Moneybackco. Thanks.

      I haven't got anything with this deal either.

      • I'm not sure if its appropriate to do that here. If you pm me I will respond (kcyw only)

  • No word here yet, MBC just says 'sent to network'. Hopefully it happens soon :)

  • What a rort. I did everything by the book, clicked on the mbc link, got my account number, etc. etc. etc. and after all that, they couldn't find me on their system. I bet it was all just a scam to get people to deposit money (and as mentioned above, make it extremely difficult to withdraw it back) After all, what benefit would they have received from making such a huge loss to sign up a handfull of people, most of whom only signed up to get the free money?

    No complaint against mbc, but definitely sending some hate vibes to Centrebet right now.

    • Did you get a "listing" with MBC - that being - "sent to network" or did you get dropped before that?


    • Yeah they couldn't find me either. It is MBC's fault, because Buckscoop had the same deal but they actually paid people. My inquiry got sent to network for a month before it get rejected.

      • Sorry dritz2003, could you detail further what happened?

        I signed up and mine has been sitting on "Tracking" ever since.
        My girlfriend then signed up following all procedures a few days after me, she submitted her enquiry to MBC and not long after it was rejected with a message saying that the transaction did not record on the system.

        Has ANYONE from MBC received this successfully?

      • No payments yet even thru BS

        This is from the posts at BS.

        Also I have one thru BS and one thru mbc and both are tracking but neither has been paid. (wife and I)
        BS says "added" and the admins say its normal at their end, so just waiting for centrebet to commit to payment. MBC says "tracking" which I believe is the same status as that from BS.

        The only difference is that the BS account was opened without the 5 free bets selected.

        I used a separate browser (Camino) and cleared ALL cookies so there would be nothing to upset the tracking.

        So until either settles its still up in the air for both.

        • Steve from MBC says the next system update will be in early Nov (the 5th I think) so maybe we will get some good news then.

          My son received his $140 thru BS, so they do pay sometimes

  • Mine is tracking. I did get the free bets, and ended up making a fair bit out of them… but not as much as the $140 I was/am hoping to get through MBC :)

  • Mine also says tracking, and has been like that for a very long time.

    Mind you, your transaction can be cancelled even through it is saying tracking. It is possible that your transaction can go like this:
    Tracking -> Cancelled.

    I'm starting to smell scam from centrebet. That is what you get when you deal with a company that is all about MAKING money. Possible to take this to the TIO?

    Having said that, how do you get your free bets? I never had any free bets, and I have placed $5.00 bet so far, which have ended and I lost.

    • pauly: yes, I don't blame MBC at all for the delays/troubles I've had. And this is another thing that just screams -scam- for me also.

      I got the free bets for mine ok, but despite my girlfriend signing up under the same promotion, not only did they NOT track her details, but she didn't get the free bets either (I refunded her money for her because I felt guilty at having promised her the $140 + free bets and she got NEITHER).

  • Look this maybe a scam, but I look at some of my earnings and ones I got for purchases in April were not paid until July, in day terms it was very close to 3 months. So lets give it some time.

    If we are successful, the floodgates will open and that's a sure bet. If not then really $10 was a small risk to take. In fact it was what you would call long odds.(14:1) And as the money is still in your account, you can request it be paid out, albeit with some effort.

    But in truth sometimes spent more time and effort getting rewards from sites like emailcash (never again with that one). I'll be annoyed if the $140 doesn't appear and would have nothing to do with Centrebet or recommending it.

    Also what would the TIO have to do with this - Telecommunications industry ombudsman, wouldnt it be more ACCC or state consumer affairs?? I for one will wait and suggest the same to others.

  • ozpete, sorry… was meant to say the ACCC but was not at a clear mind at that time of the night yesterday. :)

    Anyway, I'll just consider this a 'donation' to the rich if things don't work out. Oh well, life goes on…

  • I made an account a while ago with Centrebet. Banking on the $140 cashback I thought I would utilise the 5 free bets offer.

    Anyway, Moneybackco couldn't find my transaction even though I specifically remember clearing my cache and cookies ($140 was a large return and wasn't work risking).

    Overall, I've decided to put this in the too good to be true basket.

  • Same with me - but I've put in a transaction request and have received a response:

    Funded the centrebet account through the link through MBC:
    Merchant Name: centrebet
    Date: 24/08/07
    Promo code: AU5FB
    Transaction value: $200
    Transaction money back value: $140

    —MBC response—
    We've imported all Centrebet transactions and the fact that it hasn't appeared in your transactions means that on this occasion your transaction failed to track. Sorry for any inconvenience.
    —End MBC response—

    Funded $200, wagered $200 + 5 free bets of $40

    I wonder if other users that used the MBC with CentreBet have the exact same response? It's funny anyway I've printed all the webpages with URLs into PDFs as proof, cleared the cache and cookies, etc.. but I guess it doesn't matter as on this 'occasion my transaction failed to track'.

    As the old adage goes: if it is too good to be true - it probably is…..

    Drawn up your own conclusions from my experience!

    • mine still says tracking.

  • Mine has been PAID

    Less $10 to MBC (which is a fair deal)

    So $130 in account

    Hope others here have had the same result.

  • Mine has been paid too. :D Thanks Steve!

  • Yup, in fact everything that was formerly tracking on my account was paid today.

  • Same here, from tracking and into my MBC account. Excellent, was worth the wait!! :)

  • Just got my 130 bucks into my bank account, woot, totally worth the wait, never thought i would see it, heh,

  • Looks like I missed out on this deal…It's not on MBC anymore :(

    • That might be because this merchant was not tracking.

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