Seems that Target are clearing an awful lot of stock at the moment.
Just got back from Bullcreek WA Target, went to look for some cheap 3ds games.
Chasing my 3 kids around, kind of lost patience with sorting through the games, so just grabbed a few things
Ghost Recon 3DS $9.83
Need for Speed: The Run 3DS $9.83
Ben 10 Racing 3DS $9.83
Sesame Street Once Upon a Monster 360-Kinect $9.83
Joyride 360-Kinect $9.83
Ben 10 Omniverse 360 $14.83
Sony Bloggie Duo on clearance, $29.83
Furby $79.20
There were heaps of clearance toys marked with 83cent price tags, lots of Zhu Zhu pets playhouse stuff and polly pocket mini toys as well as some witches hats and various other things. If I had more time I possibly would have bought more or made more of a list.
If anyone wants me to take a pic of the receipt for pricematching, let me know.
Yep, I went to my local and a large amount of their clothes where $9.83