This was posted 11 years 10 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Snapfish: FREE 10.2 x 15.2 cm Photo Block

  1. Login, or if new to Snapfish register for your free Snapfish account using the form below.
  2. When prompted, enter your unique pin code.
  3. Once you have redeemed your unique pin code create your Photo Block by selecting, Photo Block, choosing the 10.2x15.2 cms Photo Block
  4. Upload your photos.
  5. Create your 10.2x15.2 cms Photo Block and place your order. Your Photo Block will be delivered straight to your door.

Terms & Conditions

  • Offer valid for the 10.2x15.2 cms Photo Block
  • Postage and handling fees included.
  • Excludes all other Snapfish photo blocks types and sizes.
  • Offer is valid for one time use and customers residing in Australia only.
  • Offer valid until May 8th, 2013.
  • Offer cannot be changed or redeemed for cash.

Related Stores

Snapfish AU
Snapfish AU

closed Comments

  • +1

    I've been hoping another one of these offers would show up, thanks!

    Looks like once you redeem it, you have up until 31st July to actually make your photo block. So plenty of time! :)

    • +1

      Really? 31 July? How did you get that information???

  • Thanks! Just ordered one.

  • +1

    Thank god for snapfish freebies

  • +3

    Thanks! Graduated yesterday ! This helps !

  • +1

    Controversial question. What do snap fish do with your photos after your order? Don't like the idea of having photos on their servers for years to come.

    To save time, I thought I might cover some of the funnier responses in advance:
    1. What photos are YOU uploading? ;)
    2. <insert tin foil hat link>
    3. You're not that pretty

    • you're really not that pretty, beatlock :)Now, if you were this man

  • -2

    Not quite free. There is a $2.95 handling fee when do a pickup at Kmart.

    • +4

      It's free shipping. Just choose delivery ($5.95) but when you click next, it will credit you the shipping amount as well at the final screen

  • +1

    Cheers- assuming this can't be used for shipping outside of Australia?

  • Thanks OP… Had an awesome photo from the avalon airshow which i wanted to print… uploaded and ordered :)

  • They sent me a code then in checkout they tell me it's invalid.

    Not sure if it's me or them, but there's fail involved somewhere.

    ***UPDATE: I just deleted the code and continued and it worked with no charge. Not entirely logical, but I got there. Thanks OP.

    • You redeem it and it's automatically added to your account, you don't input the code again at checkout.

  • Thanks!

  • Awesome, thanks!!

  • -4

    not total free, have to pay $5.95 to delivery.

    • you don't, just click continue and the delivery will be deducted (as others have stated above)

  • Do you have to be a new customer?

    • No.

    • +1

      No. It works for existing customers. I am an existing customer and I managed to get the code.

  • How many photos in a photo block ?

    • +1

      It's just the 1x 10x15cm print.

    • 1

  • Thanks! Grabbed one last time this free offer came up and loved it - very happy to see it back.

  • how do we get rid of shipping

    • +6

      You invent a teleporter of some type?

      Otherwise, try reading some of the earlier posts.

  • +1

    Nice one… registered and ordered just now - no hidden charges at all!

  • ozbargained it good. all free

  • Thank you.

  • Thankyou OP - just what I was looking for!

  • how come it works for everyone but not me. feeling stupid :(

    im getting charged $15. i got a code and entered it at the prompt

    • +1

      Proceed with check-out etc as if you were paying and then it should come to a grand total of $0.00 at the end. It's a little confusing.

  • Thanks, OP!

  • +2


  • Thank you OP! Will sit this next to the free one from last time :)

  • +6

    It surprises me how often Snapfish do these kinds of promotions.

    This will be the second free photo block I've received, along with a photo book.

    To return the favour, I suggested Snapfish at work last Christmas, and they were used to print all of our crappy corporate gifts!

  • Outstanding!!

    Ordered one for last time with a couple of solid fish on it for Dad and was now able to add another of one of our latest catches!

    Thanks SNAPFISH!

  • -5

    only one per household -.-

  • right … i think i "lost" the code. I didnt copy & paste it to some where b4 i closed the tab, is there a way to retrieves it ?

    • check ur email

  • Sorry. It seems that this offer has already been claimed for your household. The conditions of this promotion are that only one offer per household can be claimed.

    • Then you just need go through with the order, at the payment section the discount will automatically applied.

  • any clue how blurry these are going to come out to be?
    The preview image makes it look like it's going to be horrible.
    Here are the original wallpapers and what the preview image come out to be hopefully the preview image is nothing more then a representation of cropping.

    • It's just a normal photo print stuck on a light wooden block, so expect usual print shop quality.

      • oh ok cool then detailed blue ocarina it is then. Cheers.

  • Woohoo!! Thanks OP!! :D

  • Hi everyone,

    Do we have to enter the card details to get rid of shipping charges? Not sure. Any advice is appreciated.

    • +1

      nope if your seeing a card info section you probably did it wrong.
      go back to your email click the link in the promo email saying "claim your 10….. "
      and then enter the promo code there.

      once the codes been added to your account you should only need to make the picture block go to checkout and add your shipping info. it skips the payment section if I remember correctly.

      • I think the ppl having problems (most likely first time claimers) are misunderstanding what the code is & are inputting it while in checkout whereas ^^^ mentioned above is the correct way.

        • Yeah confused me too till I went back to the email nand found the claim your link.

          Unusual redemption system.

      • Thanks for your reply mate.

        Sorry for sounding silly. :)

        I claimed the code. I can see it in my account. When I click "Redeem now", the next page is their store. If I select the product Photoblock, it goes the usual way of ordering it. Im lost again.

        This site is making my lazy sunday very strenuous. :P

        • +1

          Select the product photo block and then upload an image choose what color frame you want then add it to your cart make sure you choose the right frame size should be the default size though. go to your cart and start going through checkout it should all be pretty automatic from there just enter your postal address and then it'll say some kind of shipping for 6.99 or something just click next at this point it should automatically discount the sale 100% and you won't need to give them any payment details.

          also no worries they made this unusually confusing for some reason.

        • I finally did it. I was trying to order photo prints all this while.

          Thanks Scaregdearimasu! You da man.


        • oh yeah thats in there too just to make it more difficult lol
          so what'd your get photo blocked anything cool?

        • nah.. A photo with the Mrs. Trying to be romantic. LOL

  • Thanks guys, Im first time shopper too, had the same issue, requested help from live chat, they added the credit to to my account. All good now, just ordered. Ozbargained :D Thanks OP!

  • +1

    My photoblock turned up today.. the block itself is pretty good but the printing is average.. still.. a very nice freebee that made for an awesome print to sit on my desk of a photo I took..

    • Wow, nice shot!

      • +1

        That's what she said. :X

      • Thank you :)

    • Amazing shot!

  • My order email confirm came up immediately as subject and from : =?UTF-8?B??=

    I opened it as I suspected it was snapfish, should I be worried?

    • My order confirm came from "Snapfish Service <[email protected]> "
      and was titled "Thanks for your Snapfish Photo Gift order"

      yours is weird though odd.

  • Thanks, just ordered..

    Strange though.. choose "Free Shipping" or "$2.95 Pickup fees" ^_^

  • my mistake…

  • thx OP this time i didnt wait for it to expire!! :)

  • -2

    mine arrived today.
    Crappy quality. Photo very cheaply glued onto a block. Went straight into the bin. If this is their usua standard, I'd have demanded a refund if I paid a cent for it.

    • aww I offended a poor little butthurt snapfish fanboy did I with my brutally honest feedback? Poor didums.

      • Nope just dont think the quality is THAT bad you had to throw it straight into the bin… each to their own tho.

        For the record, yes the quality is not at all amazing and certainly not worth $20!… for free yes great offer.

  • +1

    Got mine today I thought the Print quality was just fine. However the "wood block" was a little chipped on the back not noticable from the front. and also the area where cnc'd to hold the metal rod was also a little chip.
    Also also I can feel the adhesive around the edge of the block that seems bad (but then again why would one touch this repeatedly?). I got it for free so I'm very happy with what I got. but had I paid for it the chips and excess adhesive would warrant a message.

    • Same with mine!

      • the adhesive, chips or both? either way still pretty cool to get for free now I just need to clean some room for it.

  • I tried using the code tonight and then tried adding my 30 free prints but noticed one coupon per order so I emptied cart and redid the photo block but says the voucher is already used :(
    Online chat was unavailable right now so hoping someone came across the same issue and has some advice.

    • All good figured it out. Needed to continue through checkout to see discount being applied to shipping and discount.

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