Sharp prime lens for compact system cameras (they carry both NEX and M43 version), usually goes at around $140-190.
Seems to be Australian stock.
Review of the lens can be found here:…
Sharp prime lens for compact system cameras (they carry both NEX and M43 version), usually goes at around $140-190.
Seems to be Australian stock.
Review of the lens can be found here:…
Not really a relevant comparison due to TopBuy being a grey import. I buy 95% of my camera gear from overseas, but for a matter of $15 (or whatever it works out to be with shipping) I would go with the local stock. Quicker, less time for things to go wrong in the post, an English speaking person to talk to if things go wrong etc, etc. Invalid neg.
EDIT: Also - how does $113 + $35 postage = $122??…
You need to check your math. Also they only sell the emount, not the m43
The fact the picture and the description contain different lenses worries me.
I would be all over this if I didn't already own the Zeiss 24mm for my NEX. An absolute rave review from Steve Huff but that guy always seems a bit to happy for my liking - does he ever give anything a bad review? :p
That's a great deal. I bought it from ebay second hand about 6 weeks ago for 100 after teds refused to go below 200 even when I tried to price match digidirect at 150. Oh well, glad they got their act together…
I can vouch for the quality, it's a great lens for the price.
Yeah its been at this price for a while. I think they are clearing stock for the 'art' version of this lens. I have been looking at getting one for m43. If this gets ozbargained whilst I'm still decidin((g imma be unhappy. Fwiw dcxpert on eBay (CRKennedys sort of side store) have this for $129 + $7 shipping so not bad from Ted's. For once.
There was an offer for both the 19 and the 30 for 199 from BH that I passed on…. Then it disappeared. I decided I wanted something brighter… Waiting on deals for the Olympus 17 1.8 and 45 1.8…. this is a good price for a decent lens though
i remember that.
I was going to jump on it since I had to make a film order anyway, but I just couldn't get the fund together…
Waiting for deals on two of the most popular m43 lenses? you'll be waiting for a while.
I still haven't seen a 'bargain' for the 20mm f1.7 yet, and that's had much longer to be bargained.
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I meant to click - not +. Apparently you can't take that back.
you're comparing grey with local stock.
Completely different price ranges.
Also it is only for the Sony E-Mount.
Completely different product.
I think you're like one of those people who go around intentionally trying to devalue a post.
Can I use this lens on Olympus EPM-1 m43?
only if you buy the m43 version.
Yes, buy the m43 version, the lens mount is standardized.
Please note the reason for this 'clearance' is due to the new series of lenses, which have practically no difference other than a 'modern' look.……
I actually prefer the old (i.e. this) ones, that smooth metal surface will be hell to use with manual focus.
So I picked up one today at Chadstone, seems pretty good so far, but might sell it down the road since I already have the 14mm and the 20mm.
works with Nikon ?
Nothing special here. TopBuy got it for 122.42 delivered.