80+ Bronze and Unrated PSUs to be banned


FYI - The new Minimal Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) will come into effect on October first, banning Bronze and unrated Power supplied from being sold in Australia.

Will probably affect SHAW and other cheap manufacturers, as well as prebuilt desktops like Dell, Acer etc.


  • Enjoy having no house fires.

    • As I understand 80+ is purely a measure of efficiency, it says nothing about how safe the device is.

  • interesting news..I had no idea about this, but does this mean there will be clearance pricing of Bronze 80+ PSUs soon?

    • +1

      Or they just get re-badged as a lower rating.

      • -1

        higher rating you mean?

        They'll just sell of all the stock until that date. No point re-certifying cheap products.

        • +1

          No I mean a 500W Bronze might be rebadged as a 450W Silver.

  • But I read that standard as applying to computer systems, not PSUs, manufactured in or imported into Australia. Do system builders count as manufacturers?

    • I don't think so. Which means this isn't going to stop MSY from peddling cheap SHAW crap to consumers who buy their prebuilts.

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