Does anyone have recommended plumber from Perth who charges cheap rate yet reliable? Any contact? Thanks in advance!!
Recommendation for cheap and reliable plumber in Perth WA (South of the River)?
YLC on 22/04/2013 - 23:21
I've used two over the last few years (have had over 15 different quotes as I've got the house from hell!) - both are really good and not too pricey - try Jarrod (young, go getting and neat and tidy and pretty cheap but usually not available quickly) 0401 825 442 or Tony (little Italian guy, slow but really steady and makes it within 24 hours) 9474 4061 or 0417 976 221 - try both - don't think you'll be disappointed
Thanks rang jarrod.. Clean, tidy and on time
Thanks heaps mate!
Sean Richardson's Laser Plumbing:
Cheap and plumber do NOT go in the same sentence, but these guys do quality work.
Dunno what the current rate is though, you'll have to check.