Hi all,
I live in Vic am looking for a screen protector for my Samsung s3.
I have ordered a few different ones from ebay but they are all too short.
none of them cover right to the edge of the screen.
Can anyone give me some advice for where I can buy one that covers the whole
of the screen (with cut outs for the buttons etc.). Thank you in advance
Screen Protector for Samsung Galaxy S3?

nettiee11 on 22/04/2013 - 21:46
I had cheap eBay screen protectors on my s3, they were full length and because of the curved edges of the screen they didn't connect in a for around 3mm on all the edges. That's why they make them smaller so they don't have to make them curved or have an ugly border around the screen. I don't use a screen protector either and have found it fine so far. Just use a good case with high edges over the outside of the screen.
Thanks for your info guys. I should have realized the round screen thing DOH!!
But I don't understand why they wouldn't stick, it is not THAT curved anywayI have ordered a curved Tridea one :-))
Hi Nettie,
Skinomi or Tridea brand specifically for the SGS3. Very high quality but usually shipped from overseas so may take a while.
I personally don't use a screen protector as the screen is pretty tough and scratch resistant already.