Hi guys, first deal here.
For those who want a cheap Wii Motion Plus controller, Target currently have the Wii Play Motion box with a $56.83 sticker on it, however as 'below cost' items have 25% off, it scanned at $42.62! Currently $49.99 from the UK, so great for a local pickup. I'm not sure when or if the 25% off purple ticketed items will end. I'm also assuming this is a national price.
Someone correct me if I am wrong, but the Wii Motion Plus controller should also work with the new Wii U.
you have to click the wii menu on the wii u gamepad (after putting a wii game in), then the wii controller will work just fine, but you have to update the wii u system first
also, having bought 2 of these for similar reasons about a month ago, i got around $20 each for the games on ebay