Anyone here have any experiences with hypermiling. Pretty much maximising fuel economy via various conventional and not so conventional techniques. I never realised there was an official term for it. Anyway I try and hypermile safely as much as possible, and not impeding those behind me. Main techniques I use is coasting to the lights, keeping momemtum before light changes, and always aiming to keep moving in light/medium traffic never stopping completely.
On another note I saw a guy on his bike on the way to uni today. He was drafting behind a huge truck maybe was 3m behind him at 60-70kph. He seemed to be effortlessly pedalling because the truck was tanking all the air resistance. I mean sure he's using less kilojoules doing that but seriously disregards his safety. Oh well Darwins theory will eventually prevail.
This wikipedia article seems interesting, wow they even have competitions for it!
Bike riders also frequently run red lights for this reason. My approach is to coast in where reasonable, but much beyond that becomes unsafe and/or inconsiderate.