Tenda USB W541U Wireless Adapter $3 Free Delivery. Only @ GREENBOXiT! free shipping is not valid with any other purchase
Tenda USB W541U Wireless Adapter $3 Free Delivery. Only @ GREENBOXiT!

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As all the specs can fit on two lines, here they are:
Does 802.11b and 802.11g. 54Mbps top speed. 2.4GHz only. Large dongle, the size of a USB memory stick.
Large dongle
now you're just bragging…
thats what your mum said
I like your avatar
Where do I add the coupon?
Mmm where abouts do I put the coupon code?
Getting charged $5 shipping to pick up!
If you fly in from overseas to pick up, do they charge you international shipping?
no, but you can claim TRS if you buy 100
Would be handy @ $3 delivered. But impossible to order… well done OP!!!!!
$18 postage = free delivery… what a screw up!!
Worth the pain … NOPE.
Will get a lot of free site traffic though.Weight(kg): 2.00…
can't see anywhere to enter the coupon
Item shows as $3.61 for me and then delivery is $22 … got to the 'confirm' order stage but didn't see anywhere to put in the coupon code.
Not sure if item is actually available anyway.
brand new Tenda W541U v2.0 Mini 54M Wireless USB Adapter***
Products marked with *** dont exist in desired quantity in our stock.Supplier_Stock_Level : -2
it was at -1 last night
Waste of time…
This one is a smoke grenade
Wow what a privilege paying $5.00 to pick up an item.
which wireless standards does it support? stuff all info on link…