Cheap 7" Tablet

I need a bit of help. My mother is going on an overseas trip and wants an e-reader instead of carting a load of books with her.

Instead of just an designated ereader (Kindle etc) I thought I would get her a 7" tablet so she can reader books as well as use some other apps (Email, web)

Don't need anything really fast but a reliable unit with good battery time is what is mostly needed.

Don't mind buying overseas if necessary



  • how much do you want to spend? If you want to buy from a local store, there is a 7" Acer for $169 at Dick Smith

  • While android is cheap buy and run, there is an issue as a e-book reader if u are serious about reading.

    My wife read a lot and she found the back light of any tablet hurts her eyes and make it hard for her to read long. She ended up getting a e-reader (Kobo).

    Everyone is different. So I would suggest you bring your mum to a nearby electrical store and stare at a tablet with backlight on for a reasonable period of time and see how that affect her eyes. Also bring some ebook in a SD/ micro SD card and see how it would be displayed on the tablet/ e-readers.
    on the tablet/ e-readers.

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