Of interest to ozbargainers who require self education each year just to stay on top of their industry and skills development. The government has really lost the plot. Basically, they're trying to cap self education expenses to $2000 pa for conferences, courses, study groups etc.
Now I'm a dentist and my average one day course costs about $800 as a conservative estimate for about maybe 6-8 hours of CPD. I'm required to do 60 hours in a three year cycle. You do the maths. This is utterly ridiculous.
Congratulation — ID of this post is 100,000 :)
As of self-education deduction, yes $2,000 is ridiculously low for professionals. A single workshop / conference can easily cost that much. I guess people will have to rely on employers to pay for those courses or conferences, or are running business themselves to make deduction against the business.