Wheely Bins: "No 10c Recyclable Bottles/Cans Inside" Stickers

They actually exist, I was wondering if there's a demand and people actually make and sell this type of stickers.


Issue is people come looking for refundable bottles the night before rubbish collection, making a mess and don't fully close the lid, and if it rains the inside of the bin is wet and stinky.

We push the bin out late, but they come later, and this is not a good solution because we forgot about the bins a couple of times and had to rush out in the morning when the truck approaches.


    • I can see this coming. I've heard that some councils check bins and don't empty them if wrong contents (e.g. green waste in normal bin).

      • Unfortunately acrylic(highest UV resist clear plastic) isn't very impact resistance as a rubbish bin. It would crack in no time.

      • :O What wrong with green waste in normal bins? I know someone that has often put grass clippings into normal bins, if they run out of room in the Green bin…

        • Because it's unnecessarily going into landfill.

          They should give the green bins free imo if they don't want it in general waste.

          • +1

            @SlickMick: I'm not an expert, but I actually believe that it has to do with the makeup of the landfill. Too much green/compostable waste could cause unplanned for biological situations in a landfill (excess heat/juice as it decomposes).

    • UV would kill clear bins in no time. The PE needs carbon black & other chemicals to hack the outside environment.
      And FFS just how lazy and precious are ppl today?

    • haha then see an entire cannabis plant in the bin? nooo thank u

  • +1

    Back in the "old" days, in Melbourne we had black plastic crates for recyclable's and which to place outside for collection at the time of normal trash collection. What is wrong with a similar system for the 10c refund containers? Those in need, or for whatever reason could then collect them.

    Personally, I cannot be stuffed returning these items for a refund, but would be happy to make them available to others who do want/need them for the refund monies.

    That aside, who pockets the tens of millions every year on container deposits (and we are talking huge sums here) that are charged, but the containers are not redeemed?

  • +1

    Should get some “No Junk Mail” and “No Canvassers” stickers made up at the same time, that’ll fix em.

    Seriously though, this happens in my area every week now and it’s all elderly people that are doing it. Absolutely sad sign of the times. I would have though most people wouldn’t begrudge these people going through the bins but would actually have some sympathy for the situation they are in, guess is was wrong.

  • +1

    Woah that sticker is expensive. I would just print out whatever text you want (Eg Smile! You're on camera! There are no cans in here/Please take what you need, but do not make a mess.) and then put it in a plastic sleeve and tape it all around and down to seal it. Or use the work/friend's laminating machine if they've got one. Waterproof, and probably actually 10c instead of $4. The scavenger will remember the message and maybe eventually get the point.

    • Didn't think about laminating a print out, that's a good idea and cost effective. Not wasting $20 if the message doesn't get across.

  • Put snake in bin. Problem solved.

    • +1

      Nah, that’s too much effort for OP.

    • Allen’s Killer Python?

  • Sounds like a great idea, with the best of intentions, what could possibly go wrong?

    • Kinda think of it, the more you tell them there are no refundable bottles, the more they think you try to trick them, the bin must be full of 10c bottles, if nothing on top must be hidden at the bottom. :D

  • We have a guy who comes through the neighbourhood before they get picked up. He never leaves a mess. There’s just some a-holes out there.

    He doesn’t speak English very well so good on him for doing what he can.

  • +1

    In our street, most of the neighbours leave their bottles in crates out the front/near their bins. The kids from one of the houses drop by once a week or so and collect all the bottles. Simples.

    • Same here. Well done.
      Once in a fortnight!!.
      Cannot understand the bitching.

      Is it just plain jealousy or a guilt trip? … they are doing it and so should I

  • +4

    You need it in simplified and traditional Chinese. English won’t mean anything. Btw, thanks for reminding me, it’s dumpster diving tonight for me around my street. Collected $7.30 last week over just 3 bins. Happy days. And bin lids were left as they were found.

    • F off is international lingo

    • +1

      Collected $7.30 last week over just 3 bins

      How much time did you spend doing that ?

      • Doesn’t matter if otherwise they were going to sit on their bum and scroll through endless reels. It is still a profit.

        • +1

          I asked because, I collect cans/bottles myself, and wanted to know your "success rate" from your efforts.

      • +1

        About 10mins

        • 10 minutes for 73 cans is a pretty good outcome.

  • Our previous place had an elderly couple who use to come around prior to 6am on recycling bin day to grab the recyclable bottles out of the bins. They had their logistics sorted. One would be in charge of driving their station wagon along the long townhouse complex driveway so the other could offload their bottles every 4 or 5 bins, and also check the bin they'd stop in front of.

    I noticed that they'd skip my bin every week… I guess they knew I didn't put our bottles in the recycling bin.

    The current house has a cyclist who'd come around and check BOTH bins about 4am on bin day (noticed him on our security cameras recordings). On our first bin day here, I had a garbage bag full of expired goods at the top the regular bin that he just took. Must have been gold to him. We've been here for a few months now so the regular bin must be smelling of the dog's poo and piss but the guy still checks both bins without fail. I still don't have any bottles or cans in the recycling bin so he walks away empty handed… I'm curious as to when he'll realise checking our bin is a waste of time?

    Anyway, neither of the above parties leave a mess.

    The ones that do leave a mess… the youngins that come around when one of the houses here that hosts a weeknight party from time to time. Vodka Cruiser cans are left along the footpaths and street. It's appalling.

  • No sticker used. We just taped a paper saying no bottles or refundables, and once the person who comes by every week to get the bottles saw that we never put any in they stopped. We give the bottles and cans to the pensioner opposite once they build up a bit.

  • Can we get a grass roots OZB petition going to end this lunacy.

    People who didn't put recyclables in recycle bin, aren't changing their habits for 10c per unit en mass.

    People who did the right thing before are still doing the same thing. Putting them in the damn recycle bin we pay for.

    Or collecing 10 weeks worth of bottles to make it anywhere near worthwhile.

    Absoloute farce, Duplication of services, extra tax, inefficiency, for what? A feel good hit for a small slither of the population who thinks it makes a difference?

  • Design and print your own. StickerMule usually have a deal for $19USD delivered for 10, or $1 if you are a new customer.

  • There is an old man that walks our streets from midday, then comes back few hours later going thought the recycle bins.

    Our bins and usually stomped on a dozen times during the fortnight and the last thing I want is some guy rearranging everything and having the lid not close and my bin not been emptied.

    Solution, I take the bin out just before I go bed.

    I'm any case, they won't find 10c bottles because the kids collect. I reckon they have collected $100 over a couple of years.

  • Permanent marker. Works for me

  • Won't be long before cockatoos learn how to use the recycling machines. Then we'll really have trouble.

    • +1

      i think if you trained birds to fetch rubbish in exchange for seeds, the world would be a much better place

  • I hope the work better than "No Junk Mail" stickers

  • when people find bins marked with this sticker actually have 10c cans inside, they'll just ignore it and you would have wasted money on a sticker

  • +1

    I am putting everything that is easily recyclable on top in Woolworths bags so they can take them easily. But then again, people that take it usually leave all bins in order so I am happy to help. It makes me feel less guilty about being lazy.

  • Doesn't help.
    I'm in Northcote and on recycling night there are HORDES of zombies (obviously a little exaggerated they tend to all come at separate times), I recorded 62 people that went through my bin before 2am last time they went out and I have one sticker on the side and one on the top, 1 Person ignored the bin but went through the neighbours with no sticker.

  • +1

    Are there opposite stickers… like Please take the 10c cans from my bin?

    It gets too full before bin night… would be pretty handy if someone can take some away before bin night.

    • Ask your neighbours if they are active CDS recyclers, you'd be helping them reduce their monthly cost of living expenses.

  • An A4 Page and stick it to the side of your bin should be enough for most literate people.

    "We are active Container Deposit Scheme Recyclers"

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